Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Initiations Do You Have To Do For A Sorority


A. Hello! how are you?

B. Away.

And that would be enough, one of these days dawns than dead, I'm fairly sure, as everything I do, and I know that this time would bury more than I could deliver, because your ghost and almost transparent, would go with philosophies that do not quite take, but I knew how to accept, he would go with children's drawings, with my clumsiness rugged, with memories that did not happen but cherished. I will not be

Aldo, I swear, I received a small dose of it in these days and I'm sure it would be my grave, a rebirth of sadness, a desinspiracion for live, a bad shot eternal. Is it possible that reaparesca? It would be my end.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Carl's Place Long Island

I have a month waiting for inspiration to write a letter of appreciation should be sent long ago. To paraphrase Poe, I remember that inspiration is not a muse who appears when least expected. It is rather the result of efforts to achieve something done right sometimes a trial and error. In other words, the first step to ensuring that this letter is perfect, is beginning to write.

After two difficult and confusing years (2009 and 2010), this year began with new strength and vigor. This is the year I was expecting, but quoting the above, I am convinced that the achievements are the result of the work that was done previously. Reaped what was sown.

is a year of changes and goals accomplished. January I brought purposes simpler but no less important. Life is a bit of everything-trivial and complex things, so we have to evaluate both sides.

this month:

- Vi Annie Hall, an excellent film by Woody Allen, for personal reasons, wanted to see the last 6 years. Pseudo-hedonistic pleasure and satisfaction.
- I got an unexpected project. Paid work when most needed.
- I closed an important work cycle with a friend who is very important to me and the best, but we closed the door ajar with the best intention to work together sometime.
- I started to pay some debts. The pace is slow, but at the end of the year the intention is not duty na-da.
- I went down 2 kilos. And better yet, I decided to make a serious analysis of what I eat, what to restrict and what should I avoid outright. I'm missing like 10 kilos more to the weight I want but at least I know that this time there are things to download and upload each kilo of falling into the same bad habits.
- now I'm listening to a live version with the Authentic Decadentes Loco (the way you are) that neither knew existed ... ♫ I really went crazy the way you are, your selfishness and your loneliness are stars in the night of mediocrity
- At least I love this city surprises me with people, places and situations great. Leave plans remain. The date is not yet written. __________

definitely YEAR. He is seen everywhere. So all I can wish is that it is THE YEAR to you all.

And if you like vampire movies and less strawberries, see the Swedish film Let the right one in . Here comes the remake gringo is a piece that is worth seeing in its original format. Thanks for reading

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Does Pilates Help Cure Bowlegs


Back to routine matters I encounter unexpected but welcome. The year started with a good dose of music beatleniana, excessive heat, detoxification and new projects.

feel that all this is a good sign. According to the latest test, but keep my feet on the ground always expect the best in people (or something similar).

If like me you like personality tests and English, I invite you make yours in personalDNA.com, not just the result I seemed realistic but the style in which this set I found new and less boring than others.

Good night and good luck!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bad Reactions To Listerine

Because this two thousand and eleven will be the year to come out of the sun in my house.

As George Harrison missed the sun perpetually absent from his native England think it's time to quit again in my life too.

Happy New Year to you all the best wishes of flowers and spring ... Thanks for reading