Monday, May 9, 2011

Kurzhaarfrisuren 2011


I ♥ you

Friday, May 6, 2011

Zulvera Retail Chicago

From earth to Heaven XXXXI - Always pa 'lante

When Jesus saw the crowd says "Where we buy some bread to eat these?" (John 6.5) were two apostles who gave response. However, a completely different from the other and from them we can now make a deep reflection.

The first answer is Philip, "Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for everyone to take a little." Ie, there is nothing you can do is not possible to solve the problem is not in our hands. San Felipe is closed to any option, it is still not even a crack, a possibility for the action of God.

The second response is that of Andrew: "Here is a boy with five barley loaves and two fishes, but what is that so many?". San Andrés is proactive, given their availability to the Lord. There is little we can offer but is given and let Jesus do the rest. Is optimistic, but not to the extent it does not depart from reality: he was only five loaves and two fishes. Is aware that he has not enough, but your question shows the expectation, hope to stop into play the power of God.

Last night while dining with two friends we are dedicated to analyzing the current situation. Find some situations Ecuador problems of our already painted gray and is not possible solution for them. The truth is that saddened me a little that. However there reading this Gospel passage I felt challenged.

I think San Andreas is who we should emulate. It is true that things do not look good in many respects, but it is also true that we can not be defeated without spending every last second of our life. God asks us a lot and sometimes it seems that your calls exceed our forces, our capabilities. And so. But God works in our smallness and multiplies our "bread" and our "fish" as well as to feed a crowd and leftover baskets full.

This morning I feel much better. The world's problems are still there but I remembered that I am an instrument of God and that He has me. I commend you to San Andreas to help me to have the availability that he had. And I also entrust to you.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
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