Thursday, May 5, 2011

When Should I Go With A Open Or Closed Knee Brace

From earth to Heaven XXXX-To

A song of that old saying that "beauty to tired," and always made me think if it was indeed possible. The years passed I think I can conclude that there is beauty in itself that comes to tire, because in fact the beauty is always nice, but the problem is who has lost the ability to appreciate it.

Some capabilities we have by the grace of God, as the capacity to love. Others, who are also God's gift, are more physical as the ability to see or hear. What we often forget is that as we lose the ability to see (physical) we can also lose the ability to love (spiritual).

The ability to appreciate the beautiful to be missed. It is rare to come across people who do not wonder about anything, are chronic boredom. And not because they are blind or living in your home locked, it's just that they got used to the beauty.

Pongo a striking example. There is no greater miracle than the Eucharist. For those who live by the faith and know that it is God who is present on that piece of bread, there is nothing bigger. But those who receive Communion daily or even who celebrates Mass daily, if neglected, may lose sensitivity, you can finish "robot", unable to see the wonder in front.

Our relationship with God and with our friends or relatives, may suffer the consequences of this loss of feeling, perceiving the beautiful, or even ordinare capture the beauty of the extraordinary. The solution is fairly simple. Just realize that it's happening. It's like waking up and opening his eyes or stop to enjoy a little candy.

I invite you to start with the most important mass. Rated that miraculous moment when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Surely that awakening of our soul revive our ability to appreciate beauty, the wonder that surrounds us.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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