Monday, May 9, 2011

Kurzhaarfrisuren 2011


I ♥ you

Friday, May 6, 2011

Zulvera Retail Chicago

From earth to Heaven XXXXI - Always pa 'lante

When Jesus saw the crowd says "Where we buy some bread to eat these?" (John 6.5) were two apostles who gave response. However, a completely different from the other and from them we can now make a deep reflection.

The first answer is Philip, "Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for everyone to take a little." Ie, there is nothing you can do is not possible to solve the problem is not in our hands. San Felipe is closed to any option, it is still not even a crack, a possibility for the action of God.

The second response is that of Andrew: "Here is a boy with five barley loaves and two fishes, but what is that so many?". San Andrés is proactive, given their availability to the Lord. There is little we can offer but is given and let Jesus do the rest. Is optimistic, but not to the extent it does not depart from reality: he was only five loaves and two fishes. Is aware that he has not enough, but your question shows the expectation, hope to stop into play the power of God.

Last night while dining with two friends we are dedicated to analyzing the current situation. Find some situations Ecuador problems of our already painted gray and is not possible solution for them. The truth is that saddened me a little that. However there reading this Gospel passage I felt challenged.

I think San Andreas is who we should emulate. It is true that things do not look good in many respects, but it is also true that we can not be defeated without spending every last second of our life. God asks us a lot and sometimes it seems that your calls exceed our forces, our capabilities. And so. But God works in our smallness and multiplies our "bread" and our "fish" as well as to feed a crowd and leftover baskets full.

This morning I feel much better. The world's problems are still there but I remembered that I am an instrument of God and that He has me. I commend you to San Andreas to help me to have the availability that he had. And I also entrust to you.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Turn Men's Jacket Into Dress

To continue growing in their commitment to evangelization.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

When Should I Go With A Open Or Closed Knee Brace

From earth to Heaven XXXX-To

A song of that old saying that "beauty to tired," and always made me think if it was indeed possible. The years passed I think I can conclude that there is beauty in itself that comes to tire, because in fact the beauty is always nice, but the problem is who has lost the ability to appreciate it.

Some capabilities we have by the grace of God, as the capacity to love. Others, who are also God's gift, are more physical as the ability to see or hear. What we often forget is that as we lose the ability to see (physical) we can also lose the ability to love (spiritual).

The ability to appreciate the beautiful to be missed. It is rare to come across people who do not wonder about anything, are chronic boredom. And not because they are blind or living in your home locked, it's just that they got used to the beauty.

Pongo a striking example. There is no greater miracle than the Eucharist. For those who live by the faith and know that it is God who is present on that piece of bread, there is nothing bigger. But those who receive Communion daily or even who celebrates Mass daily, if neglected, may lose sensitivity, you can finish "robot", unable to see the wonder in front.

Our relationship with God and with our friends or relatives, may suffer the consequences of this loss of feeling, perceiving the beautiful, or even ordinare capture the beauty of the extraordinary. The solution is fairly simple. Just realize that it's happening. It's like waking up and opening his eyes or stop to enjoy a little candy.

I invite you to start with the most important mass. Rated that miraculous moment when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Surely that awakening of our soul revive our ability to appreciate beauty, the wonder that surrounds us.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Woman Sitting On Mens Belly

A tired beauty Mary, Blessed John Paul II

Linsey Dawn Doing Hardcore

reflecting the Gospel of Reconciliation Apostles - Mercy Sunday

Dear Brothers

Celebrate Mercy Sunday is to celebrate the mission of bringing God's forgiveness to all. Yes, although it seems a bit out of the doctrine, we are all apostles of God's forgiveness. I explain why.

The Lord began donating to his apostles of peace. The peace we all desire, that the world demands and that is the job of Christians to propagate. And when we talk of peace we are not Christian refer only to the absence of war or a peaceful life. The inner peace is essential, of our consciousness, which is above the well or the absence of war or domestic.

The peace of our consciences we can only receive through the sacrament of confession, that is how we receive the forgiveness of God. And we have seen in this Sunday's Gospel Jesus gives the apostles the power to forgive or retain sins. It is at that moment that institutes the sacrament of reconciliation. But we can not think why only the Apostles have the responsibility to spread peace in the world.

We are all bearers of peace, all are apostles of mercy to the extent that our vocation allows. While priests have the power to confess, the laity have a daily opportunity to influence others by example and words, on the sacrament that will return the favor.

Being a devotee of the Lord of Mercy involves an apostle of forgiveness. Our salvation is based on that we can be forgiven, that our sins can be erased by the power of the sacrifice of the Cross. Non can save only for us, it would be too selfish. The mercy of God is infinite and universal. Jesus Today calls us to collaborate in spreading ..
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Goat Replacement Milk


Both have the force of two powerful visual directors of the contemporary scene. And as is typical in both the soundtracks are genuinely memorable.

Beyond that not much to say, Zack Snyder managed to film an epic men of action with 300 , whose style has given way to a series of similes in both film and television, including which stands out, another of the director-Watchmen. Both have a particular aesthetic and good scripts based on graphic novels (the first of Frank Miller and Alan Moore second.)

However, as women dueling legendary Quentin Tarantino only succeeded in forming a true death squad "The Deadly Viper Squad in Kill Bill : Uma Truman led and followed by a sadistic Darryl Hannah , a vicious and deadly Lucy Liu Vivica Fox are also David Carradine (Bill) and Michael Madsen, whose characters complete the group of murderers who heads the first, but it's certainly a film dedicated to female power in a single underlying goal: Revenge. Far from misogyny or feminism cheap, Tarantino, "who takes many elements of Eastern cinema," tells a brutal story that only the relentless push to bring the heroine achieves the desired end successfully. Sucker Punch

, meanwhile, is lost in the visual allegory of the underworld created by a hero whose greatest value lies in hypnotize his clients never see a dance. From my point of view, Snyder is a director with great potential and a personal style, but a weak writer. While Tarantino seems to have well dominated both areas. Thanks for reading