Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Softride Bikes Limits

thanks, blog event

When I entered elementary school I made friends with a sweet girl and very seriecita. We became best friends, until matters of fate I moved to another city with my mom and we lost contact.

Yesterday (something like 23 years later), came to "google, came across this blog and decided to send an email to the contact address listed here, with the uncertainty of whether it was leading the right person.

And it was. We were reunited. His letter, very nice indeed, said among other things that sometimes had wondered what had become of my life and the funny thing is that I did too. I also attached this photo. I'm in the "row" of the way, I'm third from right to left (just look into my eyes and plenty of chutzpah).

Thanks to the internet that allows this sort of thing 50 years ago would have been difficult if not impossible. And thanks to my blog, which has also allowed loved ones of times gone back to me.

said blogs were useless was bitter.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Is The Common Name For Retinoblastoma

Harry Potter 7

These days I will give my opinion on the new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, which has left me pleasantly surprised.

For now I leave them a video of a special event organized by Warner Brothers on Nov. 18 in Mexico City, which was happily played by the actor Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy in the series.

The fan response was incredible. Hope you like it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Example Of Cover Letter Dental Hygiene

When I moved to Mexico City, more than five years ago, I made a mental list of things I'd like to do while living here. They have no order of importance but rather memory. So goes the list.

1. Meet the most important museums of the city (in my personal opinion)
teach 3. Studying a Masters
4. Study some film or go to a writing workshop
5. Go to any TV
6. Travel to nearby cities
7. Write something for publication
8. Learn to move in the city and located
9. Know the best movies (not in price but in terms of spaces)
10. First went to a musical
11. Go to Six Flags (in 1999 I was when I was Reino Aventura)
12. Working in a renowned architecture firm
13. Do something on my own something of their own design and build power
14. Meet some famous (this is the most trivial of the world)
15. Go to dance salsa (in the north is not usual or salsa or merengue)
16. See the making of a film
17. French Study
18. Knowing the Azteca stadium and stadium of the UNAM
19. Make new friends
20. Be here until it stops being fun

Although I grew up in Sonora (and all my family is from there), a secret-and cheek-is cause I was born here in Mexico City and lived here the first 5 years of my life. Interestingly, however, had many reservations to return here. He had made several trips in the years subsequent to my departure and the city has always seemed a metropolis unbelievable but the last time he had visited, in 2003 - the traffic I had been overwhelming and the weather too gray.

My friend L and I had a plan to go and live Guadalajara or any large city.
So I came here was the result of two things: She suddenly began to convince me better to come here, to Mexico City because it was interested in entering a master's degree at UNAM and I, and looking, I also go there because it suited me the curriculum and offering costs. On the other hand, my boyfriend (a few months), working here, which represented an even greater happiness.

So here we were, and suddenly I discovered I was very happy to be here and it was then believed that imaginary list of everything I wanted to do at least 2 years to live here. As mentioned above, I've been more than 5. So you better go see how these points until today ...


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vista 350 Telephone Manual

LIST Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Official HD

Friday, November 5, 2010

Double Barrelled Shotgun Airsoft Uk


As participation in Mortuary Week 2010, here is the soundtrack of my life . At least that would put at my funeral if I died today.

Intro: La Adelita
My dad sang and accompanied with his guitar when I was a child. Nothing better than a Mexican song to open my funeral and have everyone happy: "If Adelita wanted to be my girlfriend, and if Adelita were my wife ..."

1. Bent. Matchbox20.
Those who understand me, know that this song defined everything.
If I Fall Along the way, pick me up and dust me off
If I get so tired to make it, wait around I'll smile again

2. Die Another Day. Madonna.
For those who tried to hurt me sometime ... And could not! I think
'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

3. Everything you want. Vertical Horizon .
For all those lovers who were not. Because they had to be.
're waiting for someone
To put you together
're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always Another wound to discover
There's always
Something more you wish he'd say

4. Animal Instinct. The Cranberries
have lived to the fullest because it meant to suffer, enjoy, mourn, love, death ... Suddenly
Something has Happened to me
As I Was Having My cup of tea
Suddenly I Was feeling depressed
I Was Stressed utterly and totally
Do you know
you made me cry
Do you know you made me die

5. Pinch me. Because
Barenaked Ladies the days you do not know if all this was worth
(but then I realized that if)
It's like a dream you try to remember
But it's gone
Then you try to scream
But it only eat out as a yawn
When you try to see the world
Beyond your front door

6. Sounds of silence. Simon & Garfunkel
This song means two things: I loved the film, who belonged to the last generation that still cared about what was happening around him.

7. Match. Mexicanto
This song was dedicated to Mulder, because living miles apart we are, we agree and everything made sense.
many centuries, so many worlds, space ...
and match

8. Across the universe. The Beatles
This would not be the soundtrack of my life if I had a song by the Beatles. For all my family (who is a fan) but also for me this song has the best start of any song that exists.
Words are flying out like
endless rain Into a paper cup
They slither while They pass
They slip away across the universe

9. Big girls do not cry. Fergie
The title says it all but if you need further explanation, this song symbolizes, at least for me, always take a feminist inside, which could be independent and achieve what is proposed.

10 . Seasons in the sun.
Because this route had never been the same without the great friends who offered me their friendship and their hearts. Long talks, travel, adventure, school ... Or in other words: We had seasons in the sun!
Goodbye to you, my trusted friend.
We've Known Each Other Since we're nine or ten.
Together we climber hills or trees ...
... We had joy, We Had Fun We Had Seasons in the sun.
But the hills That We climber
Were just seasons out of time.
11. A Love Before Time. Vanessa Mae
A life is one way or another a story of eternal love. And to go in peace, I hear something like this:

If the years take away
Every memory That I Have
I still know the way Would
That Would lead me back to your side. The North
May star
die in your eyes Will burn There always
But the light That I see
Lit by the love We Have Shared
Before tim e

12. That night. Café Tacuba
The best Mexican band to close the evening.
... looked like he was waiting to leave ... _______________________________

So if I were ahead, you know I want to hear, nothing to lead me to the band's Bend, OK? Thanks for reading