Monday, November 15, 2010

Example Of Cover Letter Dental Hygiene

When I moved to Mexico City, more than five years ago, I made a mental list of things I'd like to do while living here. They have no order of importance but rather memory. So goes the list.

1. Meet the most important museums of the city (in my personal opinion)
teach 3. Studying a Masters
4. Study some film or go to a writing workshop
5. Go to any TV
6. Travel to nearby cities
7. Write something for publication
8. Learn to move in the city and located
9. Know the best movies (not in price but in terms of spaces)
10. First went to a musical
11. Go to Six Flags (in 1999 I was when I was Reino Aventura)
12. Working in a renowned architecture firm
13. Do something on my own something of their own design and build power
14. Meet some famous (this is the most trivial of the world)
15. Go to dance salsa (in the north is not usual or salsa or merengue)
16. See the making of a film
17. French Study
18. Knowing the Azteca stadium and stadium of the UNAM
19. Make new friends
20. Be here until it stops being fun

Although I grew up in Sonora (and all my family is from there), a secret-and cheek-is cause I was born here in Mexico City and lived here the first 5 years of my life. Interestingly, however, had many reservations to return here. He had made several trips in the years subsequent to my departure and the city has always seemed a metropolis unbelievable but the last time he had visited, in 2003 - the traffic I had been overwhelming and the weather too gray.

My friend L and I had a plan to go and live Guadalajara or any large city.
So I came here was the result of two things: She suddenly began to convince me better to come here, to Mexico City because it was interested in entering a master's degree at UNAM and I, and looking, I also go there because it suited me the curriculum and offering costs. On the other hand, my boyfriend (a few months), working here, which represented an even greater happiness.

So here we were, and suddenly I discovered I was very happy to be here and it was then believed that imaginary list of everything I wanted to do at least 2 years to live here. As mentioned above, I've been more than 5. So you better go see how these points until today ...



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