Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Renewing License Warrant Can I Be Arrested

Nobody knows what be on site until it is. That is, one can talk or say what happens in a building and still does not compare to live. It is a mixture of constant stress and adrenaline high with a touch of good times: You design something, the customer wants something else, the wife thinks I have good taste, the artists do not get along with the electrician and the plumber is upset that the other used a toilet that has not yet been connected to the drain.

's weird, I like the work. Since I was at university and did visits to the works "real" to our own reports, all that made me strangely happy.

Sometimes I fantasize a little thinking I'd like to be if not an architect but at the end of the day, I feel satisfied that I not only design but also love to build. Tomorrow
say you can not work with the disaster of the builders and they say they can not stand the dust that makes the first cut when the porcelain. And do not deny it, sometimes you need high doses of Dalay, but still be building something I designed, feels good! So good! Thanks for reading


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