Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Deagreaser Formulation

weekly half.

Semi party depression. I live in death, but as the living dead. Everything happens no intention of accepting it ... For days like that dirty need a plaque and a hoe to dig my own grave ... I do not need kisses goodbye, or a special song, or epitaph if you like, or derrepente something as simple as my name. And you of anyone if there is something after death ... what I want is to sleep for a long time.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Want To Get A Brazilian But I Have Warts

holiday season

nominations came out the Golden Globes and even realize I knew. I'm looking at several things that can change the course of my life ... or not.

days of tranquility or what is, few complications. Vacation or something. 2010 was a difficult year full of positive things but also difficult times, especially in labor.

I believe that happiness decreases my internet addiction. Thanks for reading

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cost Of Installed Tub Faucet

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1

'I know the movies can not Be the books. All that I ask is That you be true to the characters. '*
JK Rowling, going to screenwriter Steve Kloves

I read the book about four times. In all, the sixth I think literally the best achieved. But this is just a result of individual, who like architecture and other arts, is conditioned to the public, and further, to the critics.

So for me, the sixth book is the one I liked in ink and his adaptation was more than we should.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is not just a personal view of assessment, and issues much discussed by philosophers postmodern, "we have a cultural tendency rooted in the search for conclusions. And here's the beginning of the end: The seventh book solves everything, sums it up. It is a display of characters and conflicts that all the fans appreciate and eagerly waited to read. At

literature, JK Rowling will escalate the strata in which the characters are immersed and lead to your child ceases to be literature and become more universal. The children have grown up with it. We have grown.

Fortunately for all die-hard readers of this work, for this adaptation, the writer decided that a single film would not do justice to history. A Warner certainly not disliked the idea of \u200b\u200bextending their gold mine for another year and the result has been profitable for both sides: With the release of the seventh film, Harry Potter has become one of the highest-revenue franchise box office (competing with Star Wars) and has satisfied most fans.

will have to see the conclusion of the story and see-or not-that is level of magic that led to his writing. For now, seeing the film number seven can enjoy not only the most intense scenes between its three main characters, Harry, Ron and Hermione, but a roadtrip which takes us to enjoy some of the most beautiful parts of Britain and live several action sequences that sucite outside Hogwarts and cover different parts of London and other locations well achieved (the home or the Weasley house Lovegood).

The first, with seven Harrys, achieves a bold start, fun and relaxed atmosphere will not last long on the screen but in our memory. At last we know Bill Weasley (in a forced dialogue) and Fleur returns so feminine and ethereal as we remembered.

Another chapter was expected to occur in the Ministry of Magic, and it is here where the actors replace the main characters ( anyone said Polyjuice Potion? ) gives the humorous touch to the movie without missing a beat of it. Although not specifically Mafalda Hopkirk looks like is described in the book, thanks to the cast has obeyed, at least in the physical traits to the characters who occupy Hermione, Harry and Ron in these scenes had certain similarities with them, so that in the fast way to enter in disguise the government center of magic, do not get lost those characteristics which we recognize in them: the seriousness of timidity disguised Harry, the little eloquence of Ron and fear to face caution Hermione.

animation ever achieved the three Peverell brothers, Don Quixote style drawn by Picasso, is memorable. There is an intention estilísitica well achieved and the audience does feel like a child again while listening to a magical tale.

course this is cut scenes and added some small details that enrich the fabric of visual mode (as always happens in the movies) but the end result is round. It is strange bounce from the Dursleys and momentary mourning the death of Madey Moody (Mad-Eye) that feels fleeting and little sense. But thanks see Hedwig defending his own and showing loyalty to the end, Harry and Hermione dancing in the midst of desolation and of course, see Dobby becomes a hero as our players feel faint in their fruitless search.

Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and been working together for ten years and the complicity that Cuarón began to build in the third film (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), makes reaching graduating with honors. The three known weaknesses of his characters and that makes them stronger now theatrically Rowling decides to show: Hermione loses control, Harry for the first time, it has a guide that tells you to do and Ron rebels against them. All three have improved their performances but Rupert Grint, who proves once again be the one that has more acting range.

When you see the first movie, in which Voldemort was a disembodied spirit and then go to Fiennes (in the fifth delivery) nearly to death fighting against the abysmal difference Dumbledore understood and there is more to say. The strong interpretation of Ralph Fiennes becoming more and more sense: The best British actor of his generation generates the best villain of his time . It's that simple. On this occasion, just see it in a room overlooking his followers with his voice which snake charmer, and then watch over the tomb of Dumbledore to understand that evil is reaching its climax.

Helena Bonham Carter has also been shown to have been a good decision to cast. Neither does the physical features with which Bellatrix is \u200b\u200bdescribed in the story but gives the character that only an actress of her class could achieve: Voldemort's right hand is a deranged woman can kill anyone just to satisfy their master.

I've always liked to be an assembly almost entirely English. Both sides, the Order of the Phoenix and Eaters are increasingly represented naturally. One spectator, not only familiar with their faces, but with gestures and reactions, so that although this time many have minor holdings, as the same Alan Rickman, always immaculate in their interpretation of Snape - are best achieved and contribute to a better pace of the tape.

Here the film's balance is achieved through such radical counterparts: Good looking and evil relentlessly rising could not be contained. The eternal struggle. This fight will lead to a second part front and therefore claimed many lives.

For now, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1 managed to do justice to the first part of the outcome, thanks to an ensemble of actors who have found work in a story that becomes complex. But thanks to a director and screenwriter, who after a highly criticized sixth installment but well received, are given the task of returning to be faithful to the novel and at the same time, fans of the film saga.

If you got here, know that as a writer, I feel I must end, but he left many things out: Moon and kidnapped Ollivander, the eccentric Xenophilius Lovegood, Bathilda and Godric's Hollow, the beginning of repentance from Draco Malfoy fears, lifting Neville, Carrow siblings. But hey, this is just a post and not the book. At least have the certainty that if you read the book, as I feel that these lines do not say it all ...

* I know movies are not books. All I ask is that you be true to the characters. Thanks for reading

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pink Harley Davidson Birthday Card

happiness, tranquility and vagrancy

reviewed because there will be the last Harry Potter film or have written much in the last days, but one thing I will say,

Yesterday my graduate studies successfully reached its climax with a passing grade exam to finally get my degree.

I am extremely happy. Not only because I am convinced of the value of my research turned in my thesis, but because the bureaucracy who tried to hinder my time more than ten times, were overcome.

I can not believe it. Conclude the 4-semester master's degree in architecture from the UNAM me was simple, but I have my degree not achieved. A goal that I had pending.

Yesterday, after the event, we went to have a select group of people close to me in Mexico City and then to continue the conversation at my house.

At night, in a fit of madness, Mr. I, graduation gift, so to speak, "we invited the Mulder and me to accompany him to the IDF (International Book Fair of Guadalajara) with expenses paid. In 10 minutes we pack up and this morning we got here.

was worth. The fair, in addition to a growing infrastructure impressive, with the participation of renowned national writers and smaller but no less significant extent, international.

Today for example, I ran into a lane with one of my favorite writers, Álvaro Enrigue , whose novels follow from The death of a installer. To ask for a picture I said "And why me?" as he turned weirdo feeling everywhere, which could not cause me nothing but laughter. I replied that if it was the greedy Enrigue and let out a long "aaaah, yes", as falling into that was not something random that I chose to capture with the lens of my canon.

Then his wife asked that we take the picture as he said, referring to me: "She is the one that bought my book last year." Luiselli Valeria (from the new wave of writers, who did not recognize until Mulder said to me), do not get the joke and said "aaah, the lives ...". I guess he was referring to Lives Perpendicular. Enrigue laughed after saying goodbye and took another sip of coffee perhaps little machine to your look revealed (and according to Humphrey Bloggart oil) is hide a little.

A conference canceled and some publishers then decided that one thing was the drag racing and other our real physical condition, so we left the hotel where we were asleep.

More recognizes the Santos-Monterrey game, a burger and here I am. With renewed energy and happiness that only can give me for having submitted my dissertation and have traveled suddenly here, the pearl of the West.

you soon. Thanks for reading

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Softride Bikes Limits

thanks, blog event

When I entered elementary school I made friends with a sweet girl and very seriecita. We became best friends, until matters of fate I moved to another city with my mom and we lost contact.

Yesterday (something like 23 years later), came to "google, came across this blog and decided to send an email to the contact address listed here, with the uncertainty of whether it was leading the right person.

And it was. We were reunited. His letter, very nice indeed, said among other things that sometimes had wondered what had become of my life and the funny thing is that I did too. I also attached this photo. I'm in the "row" of the way, I'm third from right to left (just look into my eyes and plenty of chutzpah).

Thanks to the internet that allows this sort of thing 50 years ago would have been difficult if not impossible. And thanks to my blog, which has also allowed loved ones of times gone back to me.

said blogs were useless was bitter.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Is The Common Name For Retinoblastoma

Harry Potter 7

These days I will give my opinion on the new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, which has left me pleasantly surprised.

For now I leave them a video of a special event organized by Warner Brothers on Nov. 18 in Mexico City, which was happily played by the actor Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy in the series.

The fan response was incredible. Hope you like it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Example Of Cover Letter Dental Hygiene

When I moved to Mexico City, more than five years ago, I made a mental list of things I'd like to do while living here. They have no order of importance but rather memory. So goes the list.

1. Meet the most important museums of the city (in my personal opinion)
teach 3. Studying a Masters
4. Study some film or go to a writing workshop
5. Go to any TV
6. Travel to nearby cities
7. Write something for publication
8. Learn to move in the city and located
9. Know the best movies (not in price but in terms of spaces)
10. First went to a musical
11. Go to Six Flags (in 1999 I was when I was Reino Aventura)
12. Working in a renowned architecture firm
13. Do something on my own something of their own design and build power
14. Meet some famous (this is the most trivial of the world)
15. Go to dance salsa (in the north is not usual or salsa or merengue)
16. See the making of a film
17. French Study
18. Knowing the Azteca stadium and stadium of the UNAM
19. Make new friends
20. Be here until it stops being fun

Although I grew up in Sonora (and all my family is from there), a secret-and cheek-is cause I was born here in Mexico City and lived here the first 5 years of my life. Interestingly, however, had many reservations to return here. He had made several trips in the years subsequent to my departure and the city has always seemed a metropolis unbelievable but the last time he had visited, in 2003 - the traffic I had been overwhelming and the weather too gray.

My friend L and I had a plan to go and live Guadalajara or any large city.
So I came here was the result of two things: She suddenly began to convince me better to come here, to Mexico City because it was interested in entering a master's degree at UNAM and I, and looking, I also go there because it suited me the curriculum and offering costs. On the other hand, my boyfriend (a few months), working here, which represented an even greater happiness.

So here we were, and suddenly I discovered I was very happy to be here and it was then believed that imaginary list of everything I wanted to do at least 2 years to live here. As mentioned above, I've been more than 5. So you better go see how these points until today ...


Thursday, November 11, 2010

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LIST Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Official HD

Friday, November 5, 2010

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As participation in Mortuary Week 2010, here is the soundtrack of my life . At least that would put at my funeral if I died today.

Intro: La Adelita
My dad sang and accompanied with his guitar when I was a child. Nothing better than a Mexican song to open my funeral and have everyone happy: "If Adelita wanted to be my girlfriend, and if Adelita were my wife ..."

1. Bent. Matchbox20.
Those who understand me, know that this song defined everything.
If I Fall Along the way, pick me up and dust me off
If I get so tired to make it, wait around I'll smile again

2. Die Another Day. Madonna.
For those who tried to hurt me sometime ... And could not! I think
'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

3. Everything you want. Vertical Horizon .
For all those lovers who were not. Because they had to be.
're waiting for someone
To put you together
're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always Another wound to discover
There's always
Something more you wish he'd say

4. Animal Instinct. The Cranberries
have lived to the fullest because it meant to suffer, enjoy, mourn, love, death ... Suddenly
Something has Happened to me
As I Was Having My cup of tea
Suddenly I Was feeling depressed
I Was Stressed utterly and totally
Do you know
you made me cry
Do you know you made me die

5. Pinch me. Because
Barenaked Ladies the days you do not know if all this was worth
(but then I realized that if)
It's like a dream you try to remember
But it's gone
Then you try to scream
But it only eat out as a yawn
When you try to see the world
Beyond your front door

6. Sounds of silence. Simon & Garfunkel
This song means two things: I loved the film, who belonged to the last generation that still cared about what was happening around him.

7. Match. Mexicanto
This song was dedicated to Mulder, because living miles apart we are, we agree and everything made sense.
many centuries, so many worlds, space ...
and match

8. Across the universe. The Beatles
This would not be the soundtrack of my life if I had a song by the Beatles. For all my family (who is a fan) but also for me this song has the best start of any song that exists.
Words are flying out like
endless rain Into a paper cup
They slither while They pass
They slip away across the universe

9. Big girls do not cry. Fergie
The title says it all but if you need further explanation, this song symbolizes, at least for me, always take a feminist inside, which could be independent and achieve what is proposed.

10 . Seasons in the sun.
Because this route had never been the same without the great friends who offered me their friendship and their hearts. Long talks, travel, adventure, school ... Or in other words: We had seasons in the sun!
Goodbye to you, my trusted friend.
We've Known Each Other Since we're nine or ten.
Together we climber hills or trees ...
... We had joy, We Had Fun We Had Seasons in the sun.
But the hills That We climber
Were just seasons out of time.
11. A Love Before Time. Vanessa Mae
A life is one way or another a story of eternal love. And to go in peace, I hear something like this:

If the years take away
Every memory That I Have
I still know the way Would
That Would lead me back to your side. The North
May star
die in your eyes Will burn There always
But the light That I see
Lit by the love We Have Shared
Before tim e

12. That night. Café Tacuba
The best Mexican band to close the evening.
... looked like he was waiting to leave ... _______________________________

So if I were ahead, you know I want to hear, nothing to lead me to the band's Bend, OK? Thanks for reading

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Insert A Stayfree Vedio


Complete a thesis is a process strange. You've spent, in most cases, years researching and analyzing information. You already have everything, and there is a format, a structure largely defined by a university: index, quotes, pictures, footnotes.

everything is ready but then, the paranoia of whether you should have done x or y, or if you're missing, or if there is extra seizes you. And it might take months, years when you realize it's time to close ranks and say here, my thesis has a beginning and an end and the rest will be perhaps another solution or maybe someone else will go to the wind but point my thesis is concluded. Yesterday concluded

mine. Finally. I am immensely happy to have had enough. And because they say, also the results. Now a question of keeping it in pdf and send it to print.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Increased Feeling Of Wetness Before Period


Fimbres - then got out of there as SpongeBob
- how?
- Well infladita

(talking to Mr. I like my unexpectedly demanding Synod spoke well of my thesis)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Wedding Slideshow Intro

conversation in the coffee. Intervention

- Do not you know!
- what and what happened?
- I'm going to go out for a few days.
- What where?
- A seminar at this.
- Ah, we encourage you
- And if out there and throw me to the business.
- Look at you ...
- I know how it is going to call
- How?
- Fernandini Chickens, and dresses, will be a classic.

At that moment, while his face was changing, Bermudez ran out of cigarettes and the guy touched his fingers, threw him a shout. Gomez learned that this was a good day. Ahumeda got tired of waiting in the house next door. Cepeda received a hug and it completely filled.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

How To Determine Yoni In Kundli

graph. Returning

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where Is Pnr On Jetlite Ticket

XVI. Afternoon

And then everything seemed to return to the same, to the desperate and boring acceptance. As a reminder of Sunday afternoon, like a spasm self-stimulated, with an aroma that flew between the painful and almost forgotten. With the hundred cigars and grass over my head at a pace not only struggled to think. Can you do that?

With absolute temptation to take refuge, to let me go, having fortified beliefs give me something to live for, and struggling not to abstract to the point that I see as an immortal of Borges, I crawled, I remember and I've been doing already, for some days, holding the bike and not go back, you left. Since the Buddha began to gather dust in the drawer, since I threw away your cards but returned your kisses, since I presented my childhood vain to a stranger. Since the review of human philosophy, and like Rome, all roads lead me to cynicism, absurdity, the wrongly.

reviewing the newspaper who was writing to tell you again that nothing has changed, that everything is absolutely identical to your eyes filled me completely, but only for seconds, which apparently eternal, trying unsuccessfully with me, but until they attain their goal? If pensive air of suicide come to me alone, and the inspiration of so many words tangled in the rain looking to find an exit to the tunnel.

And the only escape appears to be all hell is the expression, is to strengthen a bit of everything, communicating what happens to me, excusing and not as a naughty child, but as a man surrendered, and no not even touch the point of constantly think that I could not understand how you, or you do not understand the least. And without meaning to, again I'm standing on the razor's edge, not sure if I should cut your throat or mine.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rubbermaid Replacement Garbage Can Covers


Friday, June 25, 2010

Can You Get Ringworm From Diaper Rash

a pact to live.

"You are my God
see you blush and tremble
me that love makes you stupid,
and today I want to give rein to this superstition

a pact to live ..."

a pact to live - Bersuit Vergabarat

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pokemon Fire Red In-game Save Vba


"Because of its profile and launch a proper way, the boomerang, always returns when it is launched toward a target. Used to harass opposing infantry in battle. "

And so, or one, a little more abrupt and stunning threaten to turn the embarrassing moments, anxiety, shame, concern, a few drops of stress over strong coffee and sweet I put power unnecessarily.

That's it?

not promise to come the profoundly inspirational moments too, some hugs, some "I love you" messages about smiling, kisses too. A non cagarlo opportunities all over again. Time promises to steal something for me, but to fill a bit the endless things that you can remember with nostalgia at a time, one of those hugs, those who missed.

And the scale of abstractions is largely invisible ...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Jquery Post Ns_binding_aborte

The Times They Are A-changin

And specifically for this is that I speak, when nobody understands more of what I mean, a quiet revolution, beyond the class struggle and history , which chewed the matter ... A quiet revolution, individual, perfect, that will kill everything and anything.

Raven Riley Full Length Vids

Cenotaph in life. Intervention

"To whom I sing then
humble if I never understand ..."
Sui Generis

Then it was just me. No. I was a priest, a Templar fighting against the pre-designed against what made us think he was strong, real and stable. And he, my apprentice kneeling at my feet and after a long period of meditation exaggerated, had reached the same conclusion that I never said, hoping that things and ideas will run alone, as motivated by a desire only to go crazy minds.

endless struggle than I thought, good and evil are reduced to exaggerated selfishness without prejudice, to a more internal fighting, more controlled about what they really wanted. I came to, without being a teacher, being nothing more than what I wanted to be a lone wolf of those who no longer hear much, a flat character, the kind that go under mental storms, and I screamed that it would a murderer if given the chance, I said I would walk involved in the arts that I only understand, I said I would smoke until the start of this cancer cenotaph me infinite void of flowers, devoid of hope. So why is all this staging, where Jorge Borges is and had always been the screenwriter and director Timothy Burton art.

crows and vultures came, asechantes, trying to wrest some life, but were met with death surrounded by decaying carrion.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Church Registration Templates


Cenotaph Alfonso Ugarte

The City of Kings.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shift Work And Nursing

XVI Remember ...?

barely Remember when we talked?
When dying to get closer when we started dating, the first completed, the first strokes of a joke ...

Do you remember when we talked about has daily?
I dreamed of a picture of us with something to see and to feel safe ...

Remember that my birthday was coming? And talking about a wedding, tango lessons, filmmaking, we had the summer off, laughing, between dial loves.

Do you remember you told me about your love? While missing
classes, spending time sitting, watching their faces, playing with the future love stories, and I thought that it would happen.

Remember you gave me a club?
I kept waiting all end soon, but things were different, has been a long time, and it seems that what was over us ...

Remember ...?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Gay Cruzin Shropshire

In rums.

Today I saved a song with two fingers, as I swung, I noticed that it's all as one would like to be, and not everything is entirely material, on the contrary, totally perfect, and I understood that rums you think best ... numbness, and I highly individual art of balance, but all is well, all marks a process, a mark of anchors in the earth beneath the sea. A cigar and will be absolutely ideal, fuzzy, but ideal.

Friday, March 26, 2010

How To Make Pages A3 On Microsoft Powerpoint 2010

signifier and signified. Home

Significant : Sitting in the drizzle and amenguanada moon. Eye lashes fighting to not intertwine. You just turn on coffee and cigarettes.

Musical background: Mariel and the captain - Sui Generis


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sample Letter Regarding Community Hours Performed

. In March.

B. What color is it?

A. Blue.

B. If you are colorblind, I forgot. And how can you study design?

A. I am not colorblind is blue.

B. Is green.

A. Blue.

B. Colorblind.

A. I am studying it.

B. Dejémozlo already there. No matter. Do you have classes now?

A. On Tuesday I'm free.

B. Ah true. "A chelas for the night?

A. If I have classes on Wednesday.

B. Just a touch, long time no talk ...

A. We're talking. Also I do not like the beer. I go to sleep. I want grass.

B. As qiero ...

Nice Things To Write In A Wedding Shower Card

what? Murderer

What if this is my last cigarette? If the eternal glow becomes no more than a stinking pool of blood. And why the moon would have to say something? If to conversations with myself have become feverish and aggressive. And what if I never write? If words are nothing but treacherous and if my sailboat, two seas echolalic seems lost. What if I just with everything and nothing at once? That's why everything is nothing. What if what I thought is only valuable ideas, they would have to accompany me wherever I go? Would it not be only in my head? In my crazed and increasingly tangled head. Should not all this be true? What if I dive between the aleph of the material and ideal, and would not have reached the maximum step planned? And what if you jump? What if no jump?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

2001 Vw Beetle Floor Mats

steppe. Intervention

With this, one of the last four cigarettes I have left, trying to cope with night, moon shine, and reflecting on my background, I come back to the wild conclusion that I am one of the last steppe who live around here , the cafes and there are crazy, petty bourgeois holes are disappearing and are depleted the masses of people with little interest in life, with which I liked to talk, look at night alone with my company only and the charm of the moon and moth seems to no longer offer inspiration for those who call themselves writers. Turbulent times, instant coffees, cigars with tax and letters without regard that awaits the new blood-drenched night that involved me not knowing how.

I've seen on these nights of ties and rails, lost in the walls, which are farther from each other, the space is absolutely empty. Be that this is the life of one of mine, is that everyone goes through the same desolate trance. Araucaria not give away the smiles, the songs do not bounce scenarios that describe everything is locked in a prison lacks straight walls, devoid of corners, a mental prison, absolutely abstract as to be unable to escape it, perfect and some internal so as not to get away than necessary. Must be the demons I've heard, and I could not share with others, otherwise it is not.

The fight with the wolf and the prince pensive, paralyzes me not knowing if I'm wandering or successful decisions. It is disappearing so precious, the ideal, in the shadow of the walls, dark alleys, as covered in blood, foul-smelling dog, which illuminated by moonlight, in an eternal blast sinks, on the precipice of an aleph forgotten in the howling wolf outrageous emitting sick of this, the human body that contains. And among the absolutely magical and occasional answers are all being, of being and to do. And the log of what was lost between the memory and fate, giving rise to other variables vomit encrypted, and the pool of blood of the victims who have become debased by the truth that is increasingly distant and over paralyzing the white mist.

I'll be back, dropped the knife and also left the appearance of the howling mammal, and watch the murdered body falling backwards in time even more infinite madness around me I pray not to sink into another puzzle ocean false end.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Endometriosis And Neck Pain.

graph. Intervention

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sub Blocking Curtains

XV graph. Hide me