Thursday, March 31, 2011

Msx Metal Gear (u) -nes

Cesarial Second Report From Earth XXXX-Heaven forgive the repeat

almost always when we speak of forgiveness reminds us that our duty is forgiveness and how we can make it to heart, we know that is not easy. But we think that we should not only forgive, but many times we ask for forgiveness, ie you need to know to ask and seek to earn it.

One reason that most argue is not to forgive the offender's recidivism, which nevertheless has been forgiven again commit the same mistake, betraying the trust and rejecting, at least implicitly, the mercy of which had been object.

is true that we repeat. Our shortcomings, our weaknesses make us prone to repeat the same mistakes consecutively, the same errors against others. And just hurt those closest to us, our loved ones.

many times we have had to forgive, with patience and hope, the same mistake repeatedly and therefore increasingly difficult to forgive. Should be precisely that we receive forgiveness despite our repeated infringement, the main driver that leads to change, to fight and win that makes us hurt our loved ones.

Living Lent helps us understand this great truth. May God always forgives us does not mean that we do what we feel like abusing his mercy. It is, rather, a call to conversion that naturally arises from gratitude for the forgiveness received. It's just the forgiveness of our recurrences what drives us not to fall again, and if, despite our efforts we fall, to rise again soon and apologize for return to fight against our weaknesses.

also when someone we have offended reinteradamente forgives us once more, would have to be that same forgiveness motivation to change, to correct us. Forgiveness is the only proof of love and who is loved will be able to convert.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clip Art For Joseph And The Amazing Dreamcoat

From XXXIX-earth to heaven everyday Heroes

Fifty men struggle to prevent an explosion of radioactive nuclear reactors in Fukushima. The radiation to which they are exposed and seriously jeopardizes his life and recognize as heroes. It is true that he is willing to sacrifice their lives to save others is a hero.

Many times the idea of \u200b\u200bheroism questioned me. I would like to be remembered as a hero, I want my life to end in a heroic, but do not know if I'll make it. And think about the present situation of Japan makes me think of something.

Those fifty men now recognize as heroes have worked in the nuclear plant for years. Who knows how many have passed through the plant, now retired or even dead. They all did their duty and kept operating the plant producing energy for his country and caring for everyone's safety. I think they should also be considered heroes, everyday heroism.

not always in our life we \u200b\u200bwill face an extreme situation that we put in front of an extraordinary sacrifice. But it is true that everyday life offers us every day and do not have those tiny little opportunities to exercise heroism. Is so that we prepare for, if necessary, to sacrifice even our own life.

does not matter that our life is bright enough to reflect the light of Christ. The great heroes are few, but certainly before sacrificing his life belonged the group of everyday heroes.

I am not satisfied with half measures. I will try to take every opportunity to betray ordinary, with the hope that then can be prepared for a supreme act of heroism, God is calling me.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Is Denise Melani Boobs Real Or Fake


As you grow and mature (or think we mature) looking for a certain independence of our family and especially our parents. We know that what they do is because they believe is the right thing but let's agree to everything they say.

That is, we have all their moral and appreciative, but we started to make our own way.

In this way may be to live alone, to break with certain prejudices and create our own paradigms.

But the road is not easy, the umbilical cord detachment goes beyond a mere physical act at the time of birth. There is a tug of war (often unconscious) between our mothers and sometimes as a child is difficult to separate the emotional bonds that are sometimes even frustrating, many others are very satisfactory: Except

sad exceptions, our mother is always there to listen, advise, understanding, support and is able to do anything for a child. The case of the parents is similar: Men hard to melt because its "small" took the first step or master's degree.

is why when we do not agree with something that our parents did and that affects us directly, we went into an emotional dilemma: not like that want to continue to govern your life and reclaim your personal territory-particularly if that territory you share with a partner, but it costs much to make them understand that you already have your own ideas and you need to take a step back or, when it comes to your things, you expect that you first ask your opinion and do not want to decide for yourself as if you have 3 years.

This post is dedicated to all you sons average, good parents, they sometimes feel between a rock and a hard place and can not really do much. Parents are as they are.

toast to all of us, as our fathers endured all the doors slamming in our adolescence and now from time to time, we pay the piper.


Sleeping With Costochondritis

reflecting the Gospel: Take all to Christ - Sunday of Lent III

Dear Brothers

find us with our own sin is not a pleasant experience. Perhaps this is why Lent may seem to many a sad liturgical season. However, the Samaritan woman shows us otherwise.
Jesus In his interview with perhaps the most tense is when the Lord says the knowledge he had about his sin. And from that moment we can see the mettle of this woman instead of being ashamed or offended to be so identified, sees in Jesus a prophet.

As the dialogue develops, the Samaritan woman passes address his sin to find the Savior. And that encounter the impact of such a profound way that they achieve through their testimony, convert to the faith all his people. Just her word which had virtually no value, and furthermore was a sinful woman.

find us with our sin implies also find the mercy of God, I mean with his love. And it is impossible that after such an experience, remain quiet and still. What happened in the life of the Samaritan woman and in that town has happened thousands of times and still happens. Today Christ invites us to live the same experience, not only because he wants to fill us with His grace, but because he wants to be his instruments to lead many to Him

As with the Samaritan woman, and our future life many, can become if we let ourselves be challenged by Jesus, if we give the opportunity to enter our lives. No wait, do not wait. Let Christ and carry us all around us. So we will be sure to change the world.
to Heaven.

P. Piechestein Cèsar
elcuradetodos ...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Drop Sensation On Roller Coaster

The tastiness setting - First Report Cesarial Otantésimo

My organic ALA :

La Primavera.
Finally spring came and with it a more temperate climate that quickly made us forget the cold of winter. Although the cold mountain is still present, I can say that some improvement feel. Guayaquil know that heat is worse and that the rains have gone. Do not lose hope because they did say that "in April, thousands of water", so maybe next month surprised us with rain.

Welcome Spring Nature seemed to be showing active sleep again. During the weekly trip to the parish landscape that shows the train window lets see some changes. Some farmers have already prepared the ground, others like Thomas, the father of the pastor, have already begun to sow. The most telling sign undoubtedly are the flowers. Are also some birds who walk busy carrying twigs to build their nests. The days get longer and people have stopped charging extra coats. We can say that because we forgot the cold a few days ago.

The country life
The super pizza
true that living in the countryside is very different than living in the city. Open skies, clean air, quiet country setting, etc. But it is also true that we must sweat to earn their bread. Every Saturday when I visit the parents of the parish enjoy two hours of that life. I like to come and roll call of animals: chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats. Not many but they represent an essential part of rural life. True that the chickens and rabbits in various ways to attract dogs and cats. While the latter make us company, the first will be part of some lunch.

and tasty eats
There is nothing like country kitchen. Every Saturday, Mary, the mother of Don Antonio, we are preparing something tasty. Pasta with mushrooms, ham and broccoli. Rabbit, chicken, pork. An infinite range of vegetables and also pizza, bread and wine. All produced in house, what makes it taste even more typical. Sure you understand the difference, because it is the same as eating a fruit tree you started, than those who bought at the supermarket. I sure Hut pizza would die of shame next to the pizza of Mary.

Some concern
Ni animalize people, and humanize the beasts.
I have a lot of attention, commenting on the issue of pets, an advertising campaign launched around here. It is a company that produces food for dogs and cats, which apparently creative strategy puts on the table an issue. It turns out that their advertising is based on showing people with bare-chested and wearing masks of dogs and cats. The idea is to humanize the figure of the pet and make people think we should give them quality products ... as if they were human beings. I have nothing against pets, on the contrary, but we can not forget that they are only animals. Neither animalize humans or humanize the beasts.

Eucharistic devotion grows
last Saturday because of the feast of St. Joseph, left the parish worship. We were to perform it in the small parish that bears the names of saint. Held there every Sunday Mass with a community that only has twenty members. Certainly the community atmosphere is very (too tell me), but we would be more. Despite the distance, the brothers also came every Saturday accompanying the Blessed Sacrament. So with the hood "to burst" celebrate the Holy Hour. And the joy did not end there, because they also decided to join us each week. If it rains, that it clears.
I think every one of us has every reason to invoke God, but I think we should unite to seek peace in the world. Many those who are suffering from war, it is not just in Libya there is war. We pray to the Lord to enlighten those who govern nations to find ways of solution soon. I embrace and bless them.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ... you

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gas Powered Rc Tractor

To my mother, a spring breeze

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sharpsville Teacherteeth Whitening



Friday, March 18, 2011

Dragon Ball Af Online Reading Chapter 17

ancient geography HAZ CLICK HERE



Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dried Fish Seaweed And Sesame Seed Sprinkle


Clarín PAGE:


Friday, March 11, 2011

Mace Sold In Columbus Ohio


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New York Medical College Jail

Given the popularity of such of channels a while I've been here a little research emails that mention missing children and asked for urgent help. That is, we hate all types of chains but who does not have the heart to help some parents desperate to find his son?

Many of you will recognize that forward the mail without investigating even a little. In many cases, are strings that have puzzled for years over the network and respond to children who have been found.

At other times, unfortunately, responding to a postal network that the only thing they want is to get force to forward emails or spam advertising do not need.

This league is an example of a virtual network that derailed a case that could be real and ended up being just "the son RICARDO SANCHEZ"
http:/ / /

Unfortunately this is a total moral failure of those who invent and distort cases of "lost boys". To top the matter, even have the habit of deleting the previous post and send as Bcc (blind carbon copy), and that our contacts do not need their addresses are displayed without their consent in networks of people who do not know.

Let's help stop this for the case of a child really lost, we can help as it should:

1. When you receive mail from a missing child, copy and paste data into Google to certify that it is a genuine search (do not take more than a minute.)

2. If it's a closed case or worse, false, send your mail sender briefly explaining the issue.

3. If it is a genuine search, forward it as Bcc (blind carbon copy) to all your contacts. Let aware that when they send an email to a single group of friends, we are providing unnecessary information to others.

4. No free contributions to endless lists of spam.

If you agree with me, who forwards it considers should be aware.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stopping Birth Control Mucusy Period


The chef who recently designed and remodeled, had the chiles take care tuna stuffed the work we are now (just around the corner from the first.)

Mulder: How many chiles you?, There are 3.
Me: One and a half
Mulder: mmmh ...
Me: Well, I one and your two.
Mulder: OK! : D o_O