Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clip Art For Joseph And The Amazing Dreamcoat

From XXXIX-earth to heaven everyday Heroes

Fifty men struggle to prevent an explosion of radioactive nuclear reactors in Fukushima. The radiation to which they are exposed and seriously jeopardizes his life and recognize as heroes. It is true that he is willing to sacrifice their lives to save others is a hero.

Many times the idea of \u200b\u200bheroism questioned me. I would like to be remembered as a hero, I want my life to end in a heroic, but do not know if I'll make it. And think about the present situation of Japan makes me think of something.

Those fifty men now recognize as heroes have worked in the nuclear plant for years. Who knows how many have passed through the plant, now retired or even dead. They all did their duty and kept operating the plant producing energy for his country and caring for everyone's safety. I think they should also be considered heroes, everyday heroism.

not always in our life we \u200b\u200bwill face an extreme situation that we put in front of an extraordinary sacrifice. But it is true that everyday life offers us every day and do not have those tiny little opportunities to exercise heroism. Is so that we prepare for, if necessary, to sacrifice even our own life.

does not matter that our life is bright enough to reflect the light of Christ. The great heroes are few, but certainly before sacrificing his life belonged the group of everyday heroes.

I am not satisfied with half measures. I will try to take every opportunity to betray ordinary, with the hope that then can be prepared for a supreme act of heroism, God is calling me.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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