Thursday, March 31, 2011

Msx Metal Gear (u) -nes

Cesarial Second Report From Earth XXXX-Heaven forgive the repeat

almost always when we speak of forgiveness reminds us that our duty is forgiveness and how we can make it to heart, we know that is not easy. But we think that we should not only forgive, but many times we ask for forgiveness, ie you need to know to ask and seek to earn it.

One reason that most argue is not to forgive the offender's recidivism, which nevertheless has been forgiven again commit the same mistake, betraying the trust and rejecting, at least implicitly, the mercy of which had been object.

is true that we repeat. Our shortcomings, our weaknesses make us prone to repeat the same mistakes consecutively, the same errors against others. And just hurt those closest to us, our loved ones.

many times we have had to forgive, with patience and hope, the same mistake repeatedly and therefore increasingly difficult to forgive. Should be precisely that we receive forgiveness despite our repeated infringement, the main driver that leads to change, to fight and win that makes us hurt our loved ones.

Living Lent helps us understand this great truth. May God always forgives us does not mean that we do what we feel like abusing his mercy. It is, rather, a call to conversion that naturally arises from gratitude for the forgiveness received. It's just the forgiveness of our recurrences what drives us not to fall again, and if, despite our efforts we fall, to rise again soon and apologize for return to fight against our weaknesses.

also when someone we have offended reinteradamente forgives us once more, would have to be that same forgiveness motivation to change, to correct us. Forgiveness is the only proof of love and who is loved will be able to convert.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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