Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nortel 350 Manual Phone

looking for company to Abandoned - Otantésimo

My sunny ALA:

I have understood that, while over here we are opening the spring time, back in full beach season. I also know that lack of rain, but we can not forget the old adage "April, water thousand." May be met and drought becomes a downpour, the kind that soak everything.

An explosive spring
The truth is that, as Mafalda says spring is the best time of the year promoted. Over here you are flowers everywhere. And for the record I do not speak of the field, or the mountain. Right in the city of Rome you find places that are a "scandal" of spring. I attached a picture of a tree which is just opposite the tram stop that I take daily. As you can see not a single leaf ... it's all flowers.

An adventurer visit the parish
My dear friend, Father Ildefonso, a quartet of "adventurers", visited the parish last weekend. With good humor and friendliness that characterizes it, shared every moment: the celebration of Mass, catechesis, youth meeting and worship. We had a good time. It is always exciting to share another space than the classroom with friends priests.

looking for company to Abandoned
the footsteps of Blessed Manuel Gonzalez try to take every opportunity to find companions to the Eucharistic Jesus. On Sunday after returning from the parish had an appointment with the Ecuadorian community. He was already with the "artillery" prepared. The plan was just to propose a weekly Holy Hour in the Church of the Eucharistic Missionaries. Thank God everything went well and we met last Thursday at 18:30 to be with him among the religious and Ecuadorians were no fewer than 16 people. I have the hope that a spirit of "perseverance and little by little be more. I commend this intention and put all that on Thursday, during Holy Hour.

The truth is that there is always plenty to pray. Wars do not stop and increases the nuclear danger. I invite you to ask the intercession of our beloved John Paul II, who fought so hard for peace and justice in the world.
to Heaven.

P. Piechestein Cèsar
elcuradetodos ...


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