Saturday, April 16, 2011

Can Bluetooth Headset Be Used On Airplane

With joy in my heart - Fourth Otantésimo Cesarial

My alegrìsimos ALA:

I guess so close to Easter are all very happy, and could not be otherwise. I imagine that will not be because they have ready packed for the trip in the "holiday" but because they already have everything ready for missions or participation in the liturgical ceremonies. For sure they will be here as usual, a few days intensely spiritual, but also charged with pastoral work.

coexistence Second Picinisco
Our pastoral eucharisted had the last weekend for the second time strengthening the Eucharistic Missionaries of Nazareth. Sister Mary and Sister Mary Gladys Cristina, already known for our piciniscanos were again welcomed by the boys in the catechism, youth and those who now call themselves "worship." The strongest moments on Saturday was the Holy Hour, although with some disappointment (no music), was the highlight. We conclude with a procession, which this time was slightly longer and warmer, because spring treats us better than winter. On Sunday in the living presence was larger than the first time and also persistent.

Reflecting with compatriots
Yesterday Holy Hour we had our third of Ecuador with the brothers living in Rome. I believe that among the company of the Blessed Sacrament and friendly nature that characterizes us, quickly we are creating between us a beautiful friendship. We had set the challenge, the end of the holy hour, make a small meeting to reflect the Gospel. I confess I did not have much hope to stay, but remained almost everyone. With the company of Sister Maria del Carmen and Father Fred could deepen the message we are proposing the passage of San Juan. I think that little by little the Lord will make us grow quantitatively and qualitatively. I hope I can count on your prayers.
My Blessed namesake
On Thursday morning one of the nuns of the nursing home told me that Friday was celebrated at Blessed Caesar. The truth is that the news was new to me but gave me joy. Once home and using the blessed Google I learned the history of this holy priest. I noticed that besides being "colleagues" in the priestly ministry also identify ourselves in the love of catechesis. I think from now on, I entrust to her intercession, especially when hard times come, because it shows that hard times he touched the life of the Church.

I wish from the bottom of my heart a holy and fruitful Week. The Palm Sunday reminds us how important to recognize Christ as our King and that our faith must always be expressed publicly. From Rome I embrace with affection.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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