Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hard White Lump Inside Mouth

reflecting the Gospel: salvation first - Sunday of Lent V

Dear Brothers

Speaking of the resurrection of Lazarus someone told me it was proof that he is godfather baptized. I said it because he had drawn the conclusion that Senior had made the miracle by the friendship he had with Lazarus and his sisters. If we stopped on a superficial reading of the facts could also convince us of such a statement, but the Gospel we read it in depth.

Since the beginning of the passage Jesus makes clear what was the objective Lazaro's death, that is, the glory of God. Jesus could have come to Bethany before the death of his friend, but wait two days to go. The special love Jesus had for Lazarus was much less important than love for humanity in general, which is part Lazarus. A through the resurrection of his friend, Jesus manages to arouse faith in many Jews, both then the Pharisees wanted to kill Lazarus because his cause many recognized Christ as Messiah.

As a priest we have to always be willing to listen. Some people who have moved away from God have done because they felt the Senior forgotten, not heard in their requests or needs. Perhaps the most profound of these injuries is where in between is the death of a loved one. Are common "because" without a satisfactory explanation.

And we have not understood that there is only one important thing to God, our salvation. And it's so important that sacrificed his own Son for it. Everything God has done and does pursue a single goal, one goal. Certain that death was not in the plan of God because it is rather a consequence of sin. It is also true that we all come a day when our time on this world will end.

We Lent winds down and with it this time of special grace. It is important that we remember our reason for being, which is doing the will of God, knowing that His will is that all men be saved. This should be our daily concern: achieving our salvation and help others get. Everything else will Jesus.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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