Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hair Salon Adult Games

reflecting the Gospel Miracles: Spiritual Blindness - Fourth Sunday of Lent

Dear Brothers

not so blind as those who will not see. It is the conclusion that leaves the Gospel for this Sunday. Faced with an obvious miracle, the healing of a blind man, the prejudices that were the Pharisees about Jesus are sufficient reason to deny it was impossible to ignore. Yet we know from personal experience, that pride is able to transform us into fools, willing to defend even the most absurd, as long as you leave "winning."

spiritual blindness, caused by pride, can only be overcome through the opening to the action of God in us. The key is that obedience, because without it we are blind. The blind man did not know from the beginning was the man who had cured him. At first only knew his name was Jesus. Then says he is a prophet, only rediscovered at the end when the Lord and talk to him, understand that is the Messiah, God made man and bows down to worship him.

The difference between the Pharisees and the blind is the former were not open, your way of thinking, self-reliance, his pride prevented them from seeing the truth, the blind, simple and humble, let him enter the message leads to faith in Christ.

Today we see every day in abundance the fruits of pride. Perhaps at this time may serve as an example the war in Ivory Coast, where the whim of one has been a war, with all the death and suffering of innocents that occurs. Divorce, enmity, corruption, revenge, etc, are all fruits of pride always.

is God invites us to imitate the example of the poor blind. Not only did the hearing body, but most importantly, spiritually. His openness to the action and the Word of God, gave him a full turn to her former life as a beggar. We can also make that change if we are guided by Christ. Just our availability and simplicity of shape who want to stop by the best craftsmen.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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