Monday, April 18, 2011

Wearing Ladies Knickers

reflecting the Gospel: Contradictions and inconsistencies - Palm Sunday

Dear Brothers

We read with attention to pauses and the Passion of Our Lord and I feel we will able to find many contradictions. And that only Jesus is always kept consistent, the unity between his words and his works is evident. Our weakness, our sin, end up being the cause of our inconsistencies, our contradictions.

The same people who receive the Lord waving palms and proclaiming him as "Son of David", then shout "Crucify him." All the apostles, not only Peter, who at the Last Supper had promised to be with him death, seeing it take prisoner flee in terror. When asked his closest accompany him to pray, at the time of greatest sorrow are not able to stay awake or even an hour. Pontius Pilate was innocent yet knowing that condemns it. As you can see the contradictions follow one after another.

Yet Jesus, even with all the pain, fear and sadness, continues its mission. He loves the Father and is willing to do anything to accomplish His will. He loves his disciples and every one of us, yet we let abandoned. The Pharisees try to do this fall saying that if he is the Son of God come down from the Cross, but He is not contradicted. Never use their power to benefit himself, and would not be the first time. Remained consistent until the last moment, sparing those who underwent such an ordeal.

Today we begin Holy Week is necessary to become conscious of our weakness, so often hacmeos the opposite of what we say. San Pablo already said "No I do good I want, but I hate evil." But Jesus died on the Cross to make a difference in our lives. Being Christian is not an ideology, a religion based on God who became man. He assumed our human nature to heal and enable us to holiness. He has left us the grace we receive through of the sacraments, so that we can overcome our weakness. Confession brings us back to it when we have lost and heal the wounds we inferred sin. The Eucharist is Christ himself, nourishes us and makes us like Him

Christ died on the Cross to save us, to give us the ability to be better, to be consistent. Since we are not mere sinners because He made us children of God, heirs of heaven. Let us live as we are and leave behind the contradictions.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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