Friday, April 29, 2011

Wat Is The I.c.c In Hairdressing

hallelujah Jesus Christ lives! - Fifth Report Cesarial Otantésimo

My Easter ALA:

Finally, we are celebrating Easter and surely the joy that characterizes them is even deeper. Jesus is risen and alive in his Church, making its tools to continue his work in the world. Hopefully Lent and Holy Week have made us a little more worthy of such lofty mission. I know you have much to tell me about these holy days, so I hope to share. I hasten to share some of what we live by here.

The Easter advanced
As for the Easter Triduum going to be in the parish, the sisters of the nursing home decided to move the party. Turns out we got up the pachanga pascualeña on Tuesday saint. All grandparents put on their best clothes, because some benefactor would come and had to take the opportunity to "throw them dogs." Needless to say, the grandmother who made the hairdresser work overtime. An hour before Mass had confessions, so that all could "slip." The celebration was attended by a soprano who sang very beautiful but lonely, because nobody was at its tone. Then we had a dance and share a little market with crafts made by grandparents.
Worship A surprise
One of the pleasant surprises in this holy week was the first fruits of our weekly Eucharistic adoration. On Holy Thursday Mass after the washing of the feet, a good group was accompanying Jesus at the Monument. But the surprise was that the Good Friday liturgy when I came to I found the empty church. A large group of people were in worship and that there is still much to start the ceremony. To closed with a flourish (and everything always Picinisco) on Saturday had to confess. The hours were from 15:30 to 18:30 in the three parishes. While Settefratti Pietrafitta and on time, in Picinisco was full, so we finished at 20:00 (and why Palm Sunday had been admitted a lot). I confess I was also there last year and certify that the number of penitents tripled. The company to abandon the tabernacle and the intercession of Blessed Manuel Gonzalez, leave an imprint on the parish community.

Women to the left, men right
I share an interesting anecdote on Good Friday. We were ready to go in the procession and as in Guayaquil, women shoulder the image of the Sorrowful while men of Christ. My surprise was that the output of a temple representing the Civil Defense yelled, "Women on the left and right men." And each one pulled for him. Without that I could do anything about it, our procession turned into two processions, each with a different route. The interesting thing is that they do by tradition. Both processions around the town by a different hand and encuntra to close the circle. The idea is to represent the encounter of Mary with Jesus. Nothing wrong idea!

Fanesca Two dishes
On Sunday, the Lord had prepared me a little gift. This would be my second Easter without fanesca and I had already resigned, but appeared "Super Juanita." It is one of the fellow who meets Ecuadorian Center and now also involved in Thursday adoration of Rome. Of all the attributes one is being a good cook and not only gave me fanesca (more than two courses) but it was delicious. Lacked nothing ... to melloco had. I think it was the touch culinary finale ended the week higher.

I hope you also enjoyed these days, taking every opportunity that the Church gives us to deepen our faith. I apologize for the delay in publishing the report, but had to overtake some homework and I was the time. God bless you and give away an Easter season full of joy and thanksgiving.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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