Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Make Bnc To Rj11

Today is my birthday, I This is my namesake:

CASEY BLESSED OF BUS, priest and founder († 1607)

Caesar was the founder of the Congregation of the Fathers of Christian Doctrine. Born in France, in the town of Cavaillon, 30 km from Avignon on February 3, 1544. His family was wealthy and pious. And we know that many times, when the family is rich and godly, children often leave enough bullets and unbelievers. So, not surprisingly, Caesar, in his youth, was a little pate; in good language, he had forgotten some of the track. Good: a pirate.

But these people who started badly usually a moment of reflection (we call conversion) and turns back to life, and sometimes violently, drawing attention unintentionally

This will has passed many. It would be a long list of saints who did this. And we will not start talking about Camilo de Lellis, who was a gambler and lost his shirt in Rome.

How did this change our friend Caesar? By sharp, radical, often as young people do. I wish we had many of them today. He realized he was being ridiculous, that, in the eyes of his parents and his own, was a complete disaster, they had to make better life, did not deserve to live clowning. And God gave a burning increíble.Y started a different life: solitary life, reflection meditation on the Scriptures, care for the sick and poor. And delivered his goods and his whole person into the kingdom of God. "Sell what you have, come and follow me."

Some years later when he was 42 he received the priesthood in his hometown, Cavaillon. Its people were touched by the change that had Caesar. Is that people never get used to seeing these radical changes. That happened at the home of San Ignacio de Loyola, and many others.

And as always, he began to teach Christian doctrine to children and the poor. And he had some friends together and form two congregations, women and men. And is dedicated to the study of Catholic doctrine at that time was so attacked by all kinds of Protestant views.

Nor lacked tribulations and sorrows, pains of body and anguish of the soul. And he went blind at age 50. But, blind and all, did not stop working, to encourage everyone to live by example of virtue. Repeated a prayer composed by him:

No light in my eyes
and full of pain,
the cross is my delight,
the cross is my light

And among the many ills of the soul and body, had the immense satisfaction of seeing his congregation approved by Clement VIII (former bishop of Avignon) on June 27, 1598.

died April 15, 1607, the feast of Passover, when she was 63 years old.

all considered him a saint. Is the cause of beatification introduced on January 18, 1686. And when he spoke of his heroic virtues, all concerned in particular his love devotion to Mary.

There was much discussion on account of his miracles. Conflict in the episcopal curia in Rome. But after many years, Paul VI beatified him on April 27, 1975. And ordered Christians to celebrate his feast on April 15th every year.

We have said that the life of Caesar set in France between 1544 and 1607. Do our friends what were those dates so critical? The need to review if we are to understand the importance of our biography. Let's see: 1517-1546, Luther's revolution, 1540, Society of Jesus, 1545-1563, Council of Trent. All these events affected the life of Caesar.

We put in the foundation of the congregation serving the poorest of society. But keep in mind that many other saints, willing to give everything to the Church, also did similar things. This does not detract from our friend, but strengthens your great idea. It was not one which was launched this initiative was a bunch of holy people who responded generously to the critical moment that he was living in the Church of Christ. Hopefully today leave Saints in this category! Missing, Truth, and does.

In Italy, Charles Borromeo, who died in 1584, and San Felipe Neri. In Spain, Ignacio de Loyola, St. Bartholomew of the Martyrs (died 1590), Fray Luis de Granada, San Pedro de Alcantara, Teresa de Jesus, Juan de la Cruz, Juan de Dios. In Switzerland, Francisco de Sales, who died in 1622.

and new foundations: Matthew Bascio, founded the Capuchins in 1528, with Clement VIII. Appear nasturtiums, founded in Naples in 1538, by Maria Longa Laurencia. In France, Vincent de Paul. Theatines are from 1524, seeking the reform of the clergy. The San Cayetano has founded and dedicated to the care of patients. And are born Barnabites, Oratory, Vincentians, the congregation of St. Sulpice, the Redemptorists, Oblates of St. Ambrose.

To educate young people, born congregations and clergy of Somasca (1526), \u200b\u200bsiblings of the Christian Doctrine of San Juan Bautista de La Salle, the Piarists of San José de Calasanz, English (1600), the Visitation, which was initially dedicated to education of youth, of San Francisco de Sales (1610), the Ursulines St. Angela Merici (1537); the jesuitinas (1703). In this group enters the congregation of César de Bus, the Fathers of Christian Doctrine (1592).

and care of the patients were born Camilla San Camillo de Lellis (1585), and the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul (1668). And the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God (1572).

But not only new congregations were founded, but the old reformed. Thus, the Carmelites, the Trappists and the congregation of St. Maur.

words: a revolution that affected all men and women of goodwill who lived in those years. Years of envy, because they arose true monuments of holiness in the Church of God.

One wishes that, in our times of many changes and many cultural revolutions, emerged as giants of holiness then we provide a Christian direction to the society of our time.

Felix Nuñez Uribe


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