Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Homemade Dora Backpack

Without mincing words - Christianity colorless, odorless and tasteless.

few days ago I heard an anecdote, say not to put teaching an adjective that might offend someone.

turns out that a parish priest had recently changed. The previous pastor and was very old and sick time was limited only to celebrate the Holy Mass and confession. His ailments prevent him from doing other tasks as pastor of a community to him. It was time to make room for rest and a task more suitable to his age. The obispo nombró como nuevo párroco a un sacerdote joven.

Este padrecito no se estaba nunca quieto. La energía y el entusiasmo de su ministerio recién estrenado lo mantenían al pie del cañón. Además de la Misa y las confesiones, visitaba los hogares, organizaba la catequesis, se paseaba por las escuelas, por los parques y hasta por el hospital que estaba cerca de su parroquia. Es decir que sus feligreses lo veían “hasta en la sopa”.

Después de unos meses se escuchó el lamento de una señora entradita en años: “Como extraño a nuestro párroco anciano. Ese es el sacerdote que need this parish, one that he sees, hears and speaks. "

For many Christians this is the ideal. I echo the above, it is very wrong as I said, "If you want to enjoy life: see, hear and be silent." If it were correct then we would stop "where the prophetic mission that we receive in baptism?

front of a Christian should respond. I remember how, before the adoption of the new constitution in Ecuador, Archbishop Antonio Arregui raised his voice against including laws against Christian morality. Today when promoting a nationwide campaign that promotes immorality and death, are still our pastors the first to hear the voice of the Mother Church, who defends her children. And we can not remain silent, because silence makes us complicit.

There colorless, odorless and tasteless. We are the salt of the earth, light of the world and leaven in the dough. God calls us to be prophets, bearers of His message.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ... you


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