Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cliparts Laundry Free

One concern Amazon - Third Report Cesarial Otantésimo

My Holiday ALA:

I know that some are complaining because the holidays are coming to an end, while others lament the bustle of preparations for the start of classes and economic setbacks mean tuition and book lists. Around here, however, our concern is growing as we approach the end of the school year and with it the reviews and the work that's due. As our Lord, each day has its own things. To complain unless you just look beyond our borders and see how many countries are experiencing war or natural disasters, they do have reasons to complain. In all cases our discomfort we may very well serve as penance in this line end of Lent.

I think many people miss their college days, and instead miss the seminar. It's almost cool to live for so much time with other young people have also been chosen by Jesus to serve in the priesthood. But those days are over for me, I enjoy the little time that I can share with those who are still seminarians.

Ministry of David
Last week we attend the Mass in which Padilla David, a seminarian of Guayaquil, received the ministry of assistantship. We were all seminarians and priest (because right now I'm the only Guayaquil). At the end of the shoot and then a "soft drink" in the seminar. It was there that between sandwiches and empanadas, I come to find out about the "last." And it was officially announced as the new bishop of the Diocese of Ibarra.

De Guayaquil Ibarra
is historical relationship between the diocese of Guayaquil and Ibarra. Some of our bishops have served in both. Monsignor Antonio Arregui and Monsignor Juan Larrea, before becoming archbishop of Guayaquil, Ibarra were bishops. Now His Holiness has chosen one of our auxiliary bishops, Monsignor Dario Maggi, succeeding Bishop Julio Terán at the headquarters of the "White City." I who, while of Guayaquil, also took to heart Ibarra was I prepared for the priesthood, I hit a great joy.

Before Ibarra, Rome
And before assuming his new diocese, Monsignor Dario was due to greet the Holy Father. So during this week we had around here. Just on Thursday were celebrating Mass in the basilica of San Pedro. Monsignor chose precisely the altar on which lie the remains of Blessed John XXIII, who turns out it was his countryman. There were also the seminarians of Guayaquil, Ibarra and Manabi. After class we met for lunch. Monsignor provided an update on the news of the Church in Ecuador, especially with regard to the situation in the Vicariate of Sucumbíos. We promised to return soon and we are expecting the visit.

I've been very concerned with the problem in Sucumbíos. I think we should unite in prayer for our Church is not weakened by divisions and not to be a scandal to anyone. I invite you to offer our communion this week with that intention.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...


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