Monday, March 28, 2011

Is Denise Melani Boobs Real Or Fake


As you grow and mature (or think we mature) looking for a certain independence of our family and especially our parents. We know that what they do is because they believe is the right thing but let's agree to everything they say.

That is, we have all their moral and appreciative, but we started to make our own way.

In this way may be to live alone, to break with certain prejudices and create our own paradigms.

But the road is not easy, the umbilical cord detachment goes beyond a mere physical act at the time of birth. There is a tug of war (often unconscious) between our mothers and sometimes as a child is difficult to separate the emotional bonds that are sometimes even frustrating, many others are very satisfactory: Except

sad exceptions, our mother is always there to listen, advise, understanding, support and is able to do anything for a child. The case of the parents is similar: Men hard to melt because its "small" took the first step or master's degree.

is why when we do not agree with something that our parents did and that affects us directly, we went into an emotional dilemma: not like that want to continue to govern your life and reclaim your personal territory-particularly if that territory you share with a partner, but it costs much to make them understand that you already have your own ideas and you need to take a step back or, when it comes to your things, you expect that you first ask your opinion and do not want to decide for yourself as if you have 3 years.

This post is dedicated to all you sons average, good parents, they sometimes feel between a rock and a hard place and can not really do much. Parents are as they are.

toast to all of us, as our fathers endured all the doors slamming in our adolescence and now from time to time, we pay the piper.



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