Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New York Medical College Jail

Given the popularity of such of channels a while I've been here a little research emails that mention missing children and asked for urgent help. That is, we hate all types of chains but who does not have the heart to help some parents desperate to find his son?

Many of you will recognize that forward the mail without investigating even a little. In many cases, are strings that have puzzled for years over the network and respond to children who have been found.

At other times, unfortunately, responding to a postal network that the only thing they want is to get force to forward emails or spam advertising do not need.

This league is an example of a virtual network that derailed a case that could be real and ended up being just "the son RICARDO SANCHEZ"
http:/ / oramosmex.wordpress.com/2010/02/13/ricardo-sanchez-y-lucas-pereira-una-tragedia-en-dos-actos /

Unfortunately this is a total moral failure of those who invent and distort cases of "lost boys". To top the matter, even have the habit of deleting the previous post and send as Bcc (blind carbon copy), and that our contacts do not need their addresses are displayed without their consent in networks of people who do not know.

Let's help stop this for the case of a child really lost, we can help as it should:

1. When you receive mail from a missing child, copy and paste data into Google to certify that it is a genuine search (do not take more than a minute.)

2. If it's a closed case or worse, false, send your mail sender briefly explaining the issue.

3. If it is a genuine search, forward it as Bcc (blind carbon copy) to all your contacts. Let aware that when they send an email to a single group of friends, we are providing unnecessary information to others.

4. No free contributions to endless lists of spam.

If you agree with me, who forwards it considers should be aware.


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