Monday, March 28, 2011

Sleeping With Costochondritis

reflecting the Gospel: Take all to Christ - Sunday of Lent III

Dear Brothers

find us with our own sin is not a pleasant experience. Perhaps this is why Lent may seem to many a sad liturgical season. However, the Samaritan woman shows us otherwise.
Jesus In his interview with perhaps the most tense is when the Lord says the knowledge he had about his sin. And from that moment we can see the mettle of this woman instead of being ashamed or offended to be so identified, sees in Jesus a prophet.

As the dialogue develops, the Samaritan woman passes address his sin to find the Savior. And that encounter the impact of such a profound way that they achieve through their testimony, convert to the faith all his people. Just her word which had virtually no value, and furthermore was a sinful woman.

find us with our sin implies also find the mercy of God, I mean with his love. And it is impossible that after such an experience, remain quiet and still. What happened in the life of the Samaritan woman and in that town has happened thousands of times and still happens. Today Christ invites us to live the same experience, not only because he wants to fill us with His grace, but because he wants to be his instruments to lead many to Him

As with the Samaritan woman, and our future life many, can become if we let ourselves be challenged by Jesus, if we give the opportunity to enter our lives. No wait, do not wait. Let Christ and carry us all around us. So we will be sure to change the world.
to Heaven.

P. Piechestein Cèsar
elcuradetodos ...


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