Monday, May 9, 2011

Kurzhaarfrisuren 2011


I ♥ you

Friday, May 6, 2011

Zulvera Retail Chicago

From earth to Heaven XXXXI - Always pa 'lante

When Jesus saw the crowd says "Where we buy some bread to eat these?" (John 6.5) were two apostles who gave response. However, a completely different from the other and from them we can now make a deep reflection.

The first answer is Philip, "Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for everyone to take a little." Ie, there is nothing you can do is not possible to solve the problem is not in our hands. San Felipe is closed to any option, it is still not even a crack, a possibility for the action of God.

The second response is that of Andrew: "Here is a boy with five barley loaves and two fishes, but what is that so many?". San Andrés is proactive, given their availability to the Lord. There is little we can offer but is given and let Jesus do the rest. Is optimistic, but not to the extent it does not depart from reality: he was only five loaves and two fishes. Is aware that he has not enough, but your question shows the expectation, hope to stop into play the power of God.

Last night while dining with two friends we are dedicated to analyzing the current situation. Find some situations Ecuador problems of our already painted gray and is not possible solution for them. The truth is that saddened me a little that. However there reading this Gospel passage I felt challenged.

I think San Andreas is who we should emulate. It is true that things do not look good in many respects, but it is also true that we can not be defeated without spending every last second of our life. God asks us a lot and sometimes it seems that your calls exceed our forces, our capabilities. And so. But God works in our smallness and multiplies our "bread" and our "fish" as well as to feed a crowd and leftover baskets full.

This morning I feel much better. The world's problems are still there but I remembered that I am an instrument of God and that He has me. I commend you to San Andreas to help me to have the availability that he had. And I also entrust to you.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Turn Men's Jacket Into Dress

To continue growing in their commitment to evangelization.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

When Should I Go With A Open Or Closed Knee Brace

From earth to Heaven XXXX-To

A song of that old saying that "beauty to tired," and always made me think if it was indeed possible. The years passed I think I can conclude that there is beauty in itself that comes to tire, because in fact the beauty is always nice, but the problem is who has lost the ability to appreciate it.

Some capabilities we have by the grace of God, as the capacity to love. Others, who are also God's gift, are more physical as the ability to see or hear. What we often forget is that as we lose the ability to see (physical) we can also lose the ability to love (spiritual).

The ability to appreciate the beautiful to be missed. It is rare to come across people who do not wonder about anything, are chronic boredom. And not because they are blind or living in your home locked, it's just that they got used to the beauty.

Pongo a striking example. There is no greater miracle than the Eucharist. For those who live by the faith and know that it is God who is present on that piece of bread, there is nothing bigger. But those who receive Communion daily or even who celebrates Mass daily, if neglected, may lose sensitivity, you can finish "robot", unable to see the wonder in front.

Our relationship with God and with our friends or relatives, may suffer the consequences of this loss of feeling, perceiving the beautiful, or even ordinare capture the beauty of the extraordinary. The solution is fairly simple. Just realize that it's happening. It's like waking up and opening his eyes or stop to enjoy a little candy.

I invite you to start with the most important mass. Rated that miraculous moment when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Surely that awakening of our soul revive our ability to appreciate beauty, the wonder that surrounds us.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Woman Sitting On Mens Belly

A tired beauty Mary, Blessed John Paul II

Linsey Dawn Doing Hardcore

reflecting the Gospel of Reconciliation Apostles - Mercy Sunday

Dear Brothers

Celebrate Mercy Sunday is to celebrate the mission of bringing God's forgiveness to all. Yes, although it seems a bit out of the doctrine, we are all apostles of God's forgiveness. I explain why.

The Lord began donating to his apostles of peace. The peace we all desire, that the world demands and that is the job of Christians to propagate. And when we talk of peace we are not Christian refer only to the absence of war or a peaceful life. The inner peace is essential, of our consciousness, which is above the well or the absence of war or domestic.

The peace of our consciences we can only receive through the sacrament of confession, that is how we receive the forgiveness of God. And we have seen in this Sunday's Gospel Jesus gives the apostles the power to forgive or retain sins. It is at that moment that institutes the sacrament of reconciliation. But we can not think why only the Apostles have the responsibility to spread peace in the world.

We are all bearers of peace, all are apostles of mercy to the extent that our vocation allows. While priests have the power to confess, the laity have a daily opportunity to influence others by example and words, on the sacrament that will return the favor.

Being a devotee of the Lord of Mercy involves an apostle of forgiveness. Our salvation is based on that we can be forgiven, that our sins can be erased by the power of the sacrifice of the Cross. Non can save only for us, it would be too selfish. The mercy of God is infinite and universal. Jesus Today calls us to collaborate in spreading ..
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Goat Replacement Milk


Both have the force of two powerful visual directors of the contemporary scene. And as is typical in both the soundtracks are genuinely memorable.

Beyond that not much to say, Zack Snyder managed to film an epic men of action with 300 , whose style has given way to a series of similes in both film and television, including which stands out, another of the director-Watchmen. Both have a particular aesthetic and good scripts based on graphic novels (the first of Frank Miller and Alan Moore second.)

However, as women dueling legendary Quentin Tarantino only succeeded in forming a true death squad "The Deadly Viper Squad in Kill Bill : Uma Truman led and followed by a sadistic Darryl Hannah , a vicious and deadly Lucy Liu Vivica Fox are also David Carradine (Bill) and Michael Madsen, whose characters complete the group of murderers who heads the first, but it's certainly a film dedicated to female power in a single underlying goal: Revenge. Far from misogyny or feminism cheap, Tarantino, "who takes many elements of Eastern cinema," tells a brutal story that only the relentless push to bring the heroine achieves the desired end successfully. Sucker Punch

, meanwhile, is lost in the visual allegory of the underworld created by a hero whose greatest value lies in hypnotize his clients never see a dance. From my point of view, Snyder is a director with great potential and a personal style, but a weak writer. While Tarantino seems to have well dominated both areas. Thanks for reading

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wat Is The I.c.c In Hairdressing

hallelujah Jesus Christ lives! - Fifth Report Cesarial Otantésimo

My Easter ALA:

Finally, we are celebrating Easter and surely the joy that characterizes them is even deeper. Jesus is risen and alive in his Church, making its tools to continue his work in the world. Hopefully Lent and Holy Week have made us a little more worthy of such lofty mission. I know you have much to tell me about these holy days, so I hope to share. I hasten to share some of what we live by here.

The Easter advanced
As for the Easter Triduum going to be in the parish, the sisters of the nursing home decided to move the party. Turns out we got up the pachanga pascualeña on Tuesday saint. All grandparents put on their best clothes, because some benefactor would come and had to take the opportunity to "throw them dogs." Needless to say, the grandmother who made the hairdresser work overtime. An hour before Mass had confessions, so that all could "slip." The celebration was attended by a soprano who sang very beautiful but lonely, because nobody was at its tone. Then we had a dance and share a little market with crafts made by grandparents.
Worship A surprise
One of the pleasant surprises in this holy week was the first fruits of our weekly Eucharistic adoration. On Holy Thursday Mass after the washing of the feet, a good group was accompanying Jesus at the Monument. But the surprise was that the Good Friday liturgy when I came to I found the empty church. A large group of people were in worship and that there is still much to start the ceremony. To closed with a flourish (and everything always Picinisco) on Saturday had to confess. The hours were from 15:30 to 18:30 in the three parishes. While Settefratti Pietrafitta and on time, in Picinisco was full, so we finished at 20:00 (and why Palm Sunday had been admitted a lot). I confess I was also there last year and certify that the number of penitents tripled. The company to abandon the tabernacle and the intercession of Blessed Manuel Gonzalez, leave an imprint on the parish community.

Women to the left, men right
I share an interesting anecdote on Good Friday. We were ready to go in the procession and as in Guayaquil, women shoulder the image of the Sorrowful while men of Christ. My surprise was that the output of a temple representing the Civil Defense yelled, "Women on the left and right men." And each one pulled for him. Without that I could do anything about it, our procession turned into two processions, each with a different route. The interesting thing is that they do by tradition. Both processions around the town by a different hand and encuntra to close the circle. The idea is to represent the encounter of Mary with Jesus. Nothing wrong idea!

Fanesca Two dishes
On Sunday, the Lord had prepared me a little gift. This would be my second Easter without fanesca and I had already resigned, but appeared "Super Juanita." It is one of the fellow who meets Ecuadorian Center and now also involved in Thursday adoration of Rome. Of all the attributes one is being a good cook and not only gave me fanesca (more than two courses) but it was delicious. Lacked nothing ... to melloco had. I think it was the touch culinary finale ended the week higher.

I hope you also enjoyed these days, taking every opportunity that the Church gives us to deepen our faith. I apologize for the delay in publishing the report, but had to overtake some homework and I was the time. God bless you and give away an Easter season full of joy and thanksgiving.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hook Up Honeywell Rth3100c Thermostat

can make a difference in the lives of Eleanor and her family.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Biggest Indian Boobs Of Ladies

Senate candidate FIFTH GRADE


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Multiple Owner On Car Title

As we celebrate his birth now we must join him in his Passion.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stomach Virus Carpet Cleaner



Monday, April 18, 2011

Wearing Ladies Knickers

reflecting the Gospel: Contradictions and inconsistencies - Palm Sunday

Dear Brothers

We read with attention to pauses and the Passion of Our Lord and I feel we will able to find many contradictions. And that only Jesus is always kept consistent, the unity between his words and his works is evident. Our weakness, our sin, end up being the cause of our inconsistencies, our contradictions.

The same people who receive the Lord waving palms and proclaiming him as "Son of David", then shout "Crucify him." All the apostles, not only Peter, who at the Last Supper had promised to be with him death, seeing it take prisoner flee in terror. When asked his closest accompany him to pray, at the time of greatest sorrow are not able to stay awake or even an hour. Pontius Pilate was innocent yet knowing that condemns it. As you can see the contradictions follow one after another.

Yet Jesus, even with all the pain, fear and sadness, continues its mission. He loves the Father and is willing to do anything to accomplish His will. He loves his disciples and every one of us, yet we let abandoned. The Pharisees try to do this fall saying that if he is the Son of God come down from the Cross, but He is not contradicted. Never use their power to benefit himself, and would not be the first time. Remained consistent until the last moment, sparing those who underwent such an ordeal.

Today we begin Holy Week is necessary to become conscious of our weakness, so often hacmeos the opposite of what we say. San Pablo already said "No I do good I want, but I hate evil." But Jesus died on the Cross to make a difference in our lives. Being Christian is not an ideology, a religion based on God who became man. He assumed our human nature to heal and enable us to holiness. He has left us the grace we receive through of the sacraments, so that we can overcome our weakness. Confession brings us back to it when we have lost and heal the wounds we inferred sin. The Eucharist is Christ himself, nourishes us and makes us like Him

Christ died on the Cross to save us, to give us the ability to be better, to be consistent. Since we are not mere sinners because He made us children of God, heirs of heaven. Let us live as we are and leave behind the contradictions.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Can Bluetooth Headset Be Used On Airplane

With joy in my heart - Fourth Otantésimo Cesarial

My alegrìsimos ALA:

I guess so close to Easter are all very happy, and could not be otherwise. I imagine that will not be because they have ready packed for the trip in the "holiday" but because they already have everything ready for missions or participation in the liturgical ceremonies. For sure they will be here as usual, a few days intensely spiritual, but also charged with pastoral work.

coexistence Second Picinisco
Our pastoral eucharisted had the last weekend for the second time strengthening the Eucharistic Missionaries of Nazareth. Sister Mary and Sister Mary Gladys Cristina, already known for our piciniscanos were again welcomed by the boys in the catechism, youth and those who now call themselves "worship." The strongest moments on Saturday was the Holy Hour, although with some disappointment (no music), was the highlight. We conclude with a procession, which this time was slightly longer and warmer, because spring treats us better than winter. On Sunday in the living presence was larger than the first time and also persistent.

Reflecting with compatriots
Yesterday Holy Hour we had our third of Ecuador with the brothers living in Rome. I believe that among the company of the Blessed Sacrament and friendly nature that characterizes us, quickly we are creating between us a beautiful friendship. We had set the challenge, the end of the holy hour, make a small meeting to reflect the Gospel. I confess I did not have much hope to stay, but remained almost everyone. With the company of Sister Maria del Carmen and Father Fred could deepen the message we are proposing the passage of San Juan. I think that little by little the Lord will make us grow quantitatively and qualitatively. I hope I can count on your prayers.
My Blessed namesake
On Thursday morning one of the nuns of the nursing home told me that Friday was celebrated at Blessed Caesar. The truth is that the news was new to me but gave me joy. Once home and using the blessed Google I learned the history of this holy priest. I noticed that besides being "colleagues" in the priestly ministry also identify ourselves in the love of catechesis. I think from now on, I entrust to her intercession, especially when hard times come, because it shows that hard times he touched the life of the Church.

I wish from the bottom of my heart a holy and fruitful Week. The Palm Sunday reminds us how important to recognize Christ as our King and that our faith must always be expressed publicly. From Rome I embrace with affection.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Make Bnc To Rj11

Today is my birthday, I This is my namesake:

CASEY BLESSED OF BUS, priest and founder († 1607)

Caesar was the founder of the Congregation of the Fathers of Christian Doctrine. Born in France, in the town of Cavaillon, 30 km from Avignon on February 3, 1544. His family was wealthy and pious. And we know that many times, when the family is rich and godly, children often leave enough bullets and unbelievers. So, not surprisingly, Caesar, in his youth, was a little pate; in good language, he had forgotten some of the track. Good: a pirate.

But these people who started badly usually a moment of reflection (we call conversion) and turns back to life, and sometimes violently, drawing attention unintentionally

This will has passed many. It would be a long list of saints who did this. And we will not start talking about Camilo de Lellis, who was a gambler and lost his shirt in Rome.

How did this change our friend Caesar? By sharp, radical, often as young people do. I wish we had many of them today. He realized he was being ridiculous, that, in the eyes of his parents and his own, was a complete disaster, they had to make better life, did not deserve to live clowning. And God gave a burning increíble.Y started a different life: solitary life, reflection meditation on the Scriptures, care for the sick and poor. And delivered his goods and his whole person into the kingdom of God. "Sell what you have, come and follow me."

Some years later when he was 42 he received the priesthood in his hometown, Cavaillon. Its people were touched by the change that had Caesar. Is that people never get used to seeing these radical changes. That happened at the home of San Ignacio de Loyola, and many others.

And as always, he began to teach Christian doctrine to children and the poor. And he had some friends together and form two congregations, women and men. And is dedicated to the study of Catholic doctrine at that time was so attacked by all kinds of Protestant views.

Nor lacked tribulations and sorrows, pains of body and anguish of the soul. And he went blind at age 50. But, blind and all, did not stop working, to encourage everyone to live by example of virtue. Repeated a prayer composed by him:

No light in my eyes
and full of pain,
the cross is my delight,
the cross is my light

And among the many ills of the soul and body, had the immense satisfaction of seeing his congregation approved by Clement VIII (former bishop of Avignon) on June 27, 1598.

died April 15, 1607, the feast of Passover, when she was 63 years old.

all considered him a saint. Is the cause of beatification introduced on January 18, 1686. And when he spoke of his heroic virtues, all concerned in particular his love devotion to Mary.

There was much discussion on account of his miracles. Conflict in the episcopal curia in Rome. But after many years, Paul VI beatified him on April 27, 1975. And ordered Christians to celebrate his feast on April 15th every year.

We have said that the life of Caesar set in France between 1544 and 1607. Do our friends what were those dates so critical? The need to review if we are to understand the importance of our biography. Let's see: 1517-1546, Luther's revolution, 1540, Society of Jesus, 1545-1563, Council of Trent. All these events affected the life of Caesar.

We put in the foundation of the congregation serving the poorest of society. But keep in mind that many other saints, willing to give everything to the Church, also did similar things. This does not detract from our friend, but strengthens your great idea. It was not one which was launched this initiative was a bunch of holy people who responded generously to the critical moment that he was living in the Church of Christ. Hopefully today leave Saints in this category! Missing, Truth, and does.

In Italy, Charles Borromeo, who died in 1584, and San Felipe Neri. In Spain, Ignacio de Loyola, St. Bartholomew of the Martyrs (died 1590), Fray Luis de Granada, San Pedro de Alcantara, Teresa de Jesus, Juan de la Cruz, Juan de Dios. In Switzerland, Francisco de Sales, who died in 1622.

and new foundations: Matthew Bascio, founded the Capuchins in 1528, with Clement VIII. Appear nasturtiums, founded in Naples in 1538, by Maria Longa Laurencia. In France, Vincent de Paul. Theatines are from 1524, seeking the reform of the clergy. The San Cayetano has founded and dedicated to the care of patients. And are born Barnabites, Oratory, Vincentians, the congregation of St. Sulpice, the Redemptorists, Oblates of St. Ambrose.

To educate young people, born congregations and clergy of Somasca (1526), \u200b\u200bsiblings of the Christian Doctrine of San Juan Bautista de La Salle, the Piarists of San José de Calasanz, English (1600), the Visitation, which was initially dedicated to education of youth, of San Francisco de Sales (1610), the Ursulines St. Angela Merici (1537); the jesuitinas (1703). In this group enters the congregation of César de Bus, the Fathers of Christian Doctrine (1592).

and care of the patients were born Camilla San Camillo de Lellis (1585), and the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul (1668). And the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God (1572).

But not only new congregations were founded, but the old reformed. Thus, the Carmelites, the Trappists and the congregation of St. Maur.

words: a revolution that affected all men and women of goodwill who lived in those years. Years of envy, because they arose true monuments of holiness in the Church of God.

One wishes that, in our times of many changes and many cultural revolutions, emerged as giants of holiness then we provide a Christian direction to the society of our time.

Felix Nuñez Uribe

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Invitation Card Dental Clinic

With the Pope and young people to Madrid!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How Can I Replace Thermotat For Refrigerator


Fimbres moved me in December to attend the FIL in Guadalajara - one of the largest book fairs in the world and - discover each day crowded riders of all ages buying books, lectures, dramatic stands , a party around literature that made me imagine that we had all fallen in love with a book once ....

However, this seems utopian reality once we leave the confines of the show: The UNESCO declared in 2008 that Mexico was the second lowest readers, with only 2% of the population. I doubt that statistic has changed much in three years and in 2010 reported a decline in sales of books in our country.

Advice for communication, its effort to improve this situation, has released several months, the campaign Enjoy reading, which promotes trade and posters by how great it is to read . The funny thing is that this campaign is headed by figures from the art-ranging from OV7 to Yordi Rosado and the Mystic, "not noted for their intellectual work and who, let's be honest, do not buy the idea.

it work on something this season in which all seem so fun and have face-to-all unless you're reading something?

The creator of the campaign says this is a first step to attract the masses and then include personalities related literature. We'll see.

almost convinces me, were it not that all seem fresh out-of the two channels most vulgar of Mexican television, and ready to roll (literally) her pretty face in a more spectacular to adorn our streets.

course books are good and bad, but the only way to discern between them is having the experience of open and read. Reading is magic, no comparable experience to watch a soap opera or a football game (something in we do need to walk in the first place: watching TV).

My opinion is that no superfluous campaign that you can get 98% of abstainers to read ... Just if you the initiative to break the paradigm that tarnishes our country and start to browse a book, maybe someday, those percentages are reversed. Thanks for reading

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hard White Lump Inside Mouth

reflecting the Gospel: salvation first - Sunday of Lent V

Dear Brothers

Speaking of the resurrection of Lazarus someone told me it was proof that he is godfather baptized. I said it because he had drawn the conclusion that Senior had made the miracle by the friendship he had with Lazarus and his sisters. If we stopped on a superficial reading of the facts could also convince us of such a statement, but the Gospel we read it in depth.

Since the beginning of the passage Jesus makes clear what was the objective Lazaro's death, that is, the glory of God. Jesus could have come to Bethany before the death of his friend, but wait two days to go. The special love Jesus had for Lazarus was much less important than love for humanity in general, which is part Lazarus. A through the resurrection of his friend, Jesus manages to arouse faith in many Jews, both then the Pharisees wanted to kill Lazarus because his cause many recognized Christ as Messiah.

As a priest we have to always be willing to listen. Some people who have moved away from God have done because they felt the Senior forgotten, not heard in their requests or needs. Perhaps the most profound of these injuries is where in between is the death of a loved one. Are common "because" without a satisfactory explanation.

And we have not understood that there is only one important thing to God, our salvation. And it's so important that sacrificed his own Son for it. Everything God has done and does pursue a single goal, one goal. Certain that death was not in the plan of God because it is rather a consequence of sin. It is also true that we all come a day when our time on this world will end.

We Lent winds down and with it this time of special grace. It is important that we remember our reason for being, which is doing the will of God, knowing that His will is that all men be saved. This should be our daily concern: achieving our salvation and help others get. Everything else will Jesus.
to Heaven.

P. César Piechestein
elcuradetodos ...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

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I have received this message to my email and I think it is my duty to spread. We must stop this, so I leave here. I copied so:


A WHO report it SEE THESE SYMBOLS AND PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ANY CHILD NEAR someone who carries this symbolism.

To avoid mistakenly fall in purchasing these products or the processing,
are pedophiles and child rapists or enslaving girls or kill ...

Caring for Our Children ....
Please distribute it is very important to prevent
and attack these acts of abuse and degeneration

To Find The Legend, give notice to the Police!

The FBI issued a report in January 2008 on pedophilia. It identifies a number of symbols used by pedophiles to be identified. The symbols are always composed of the union of 2 similar, one inside the other. The greatest form identifies the adult, the youngest child. The size difference between them shows a preference for older children or children in relation to age. Men are triangles, hearts of women. The symbols are items such as coins, medals, jewelry, rings, pendants, etc, among other items.
The triangles represent men who like children (the details are cruel is the smallest triangle, which represents a man who likes very young children), the heart means men (or women) who like girls
and the butterfly represents those who like both, the report said.
These data were collected by the FBI during their raids. The idea of \u200b\u200bconcentric triangles is a major figure involving a minor figure, in a perverted genius of a concept graph. There is a higher level of cruelty, because these beings like to be displayed in codes for others, using these symbols in jewelry, money, trophies, stickers, etc.. Unfortunately, it is graphic design the service of evil.

Protecting Our Children !
some research and maybe like to read this: wiki / FBI_document_reviews_symbols_used_by_pedophiles